The Western media are rushing to make money by covering the situation in the Middle East and the escalating crisis in Gaza. "What should Europe do to help," many ask. "We must help those poor kinds in Palestine and bring peace in the region! Europe must get involved!"
All so very humanist considerations of course. We should do something yes, but think of this: could Europe stand against Israel and do something about their
aggression towards the Palestinians?
We are always supporting or tolerating their actions,
perhaps because of a sense of eternal guilt and shame of how we treated the Israelis in the past. Of course the Palestinians themselves are not entirely clear of all blame. But unlike Israel, they are already being punished by being cut off from the rest of the world.
If Europe should
get involved it should do so by imposing sanctions
against Israel this time. But can we do that without angering the Americans and have them stopping all investments in Europe? In other words Europe can not get involved, apart from making statements and plenty of statements it gives.
The Israelis with the tolerance of the international community, have created a vast concentration camp in Gaza, a huge ghetto. And if the Palestinians react they call them terrorists and bomb them even more. I wonder if the ancestors of the modern Israelis would approve what their descendants are doing to other human beings.
Wouldn't it be better to compromise, stop building new settlements and give the Palestinians more freedoms? The more they force them into poverty and deprivation, the more they radicalize them.
Just because Israel has the full support of powerful "protectors" in USA and Europe, it does not mean that they can do whatever they want.
One side of the problem is the constant expansion of the Israeli settlements. This results to the Palestinians being "boxed" in a tiny strip, with
almost no diplomatic or trade relations with any country of the world. Since the situation remains as such, the Palestinians become radicalized and support terrorist groups like Hamas and this goes nowhere.
More than 100 dead Palestinians, with around 10 dead Israelis this time only. Is that
necessary? Why don't both sides make serious efforts for a peace deal? The Israelis consider the lands as theirs, but they forget that the Palestinians also have the same claims and they are right. They lived in the region for centuries. Equally the Palestinians have a sworn war waged against the very existence of an Israeli state in the region.
So there is the question of if either side desires a
peace deal at all. But once the Palestinians taste how being free and have rights is, it is doubtful that they will focus on making bombs for Israeli settlements anymore.
Capitalism will do the rest and affect the Palestinian youths like it did in all other countries.
They will just want to buy this new i-phone that is being advertised, or education and similar lifestyle with that of Europe. That of course provided that the Arabs accept the fact that Israel as a state
is there to stay. Its population knows no other country and after so many decades they have also the right to stay there.
If I am wrong and the Palestinians continue to behave as they do
now and be hostile to Israel, then it will be them that will be on the
wrong. The global community will turn against them and of course
take action, while the Israelis then will be once again "the victims" and
have full right to do what must be done then. And no one will blame
them this time.
Both sides are partially wrong and so both must face the music
for breaking human rights. Until now only Palestine suffers
consequences. Perhaps it is time to put some pressure on Israel too, to
save human lives from both sides. Europe does not help solving the issue by siding with one side because of
To a Palestinian the end of WW2 and the resolution of the Israeli state "problem,"
started their own misery and long fight for their land and human rights. The West
solved the problem of an Israeli state, but created another one. It is no wonder then that the Palestinians feel hard done by the international community.
There is no doubt that their organizations are terrorist and must be dealt with, but not in the way
that Israel is doing so. A good example is the UK. They have had attacks from the IRA, a terrorist organization that
bombed and terrorized them for decades. But we did not witnessed the British
cutting off Ireland from any international organization, or imposing a blockade.
Ireland was left to prosper and tensions were defused bit by bit.
Britain got its way, Ireland got something too. There may be some
dissidents but overall peace has been established.
That is how you win both your way, stand your ground and solve a
Israel will be wise to follow Britain's example and end the blockade, while stopping all plans for future settlement expansion. The Palestinians and their Arab allies should stop the hostilities towards Israel and accept the Israelis as part of their region.
In the end of the day, they can both share the land in a federal Israeli-Palestinian state, if they manage to end their blind nationalism and religious fundamentalism.
Everybody is welcome, this blog is highly political, it represents my views, wishes and dreams. It will contain topics about culture, politics, E.U. issues, social comments and everything else that I find the need to share and pass on, from the country I come from originally (Greece) to the country I found my home (Ireland),Europe and the world.
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Οι εμπειρίες μου ώς ένας νεαρός Έλληνας μετανάστης στην Ευρώπη.
Εδώ και 8 χρόνια,
ζώ μόνιμα στο Δουβλίνο της Ιρλανδίας. Η απόφαση μου να φύγω απο την χώρα που
γεννήθηκα αποδείχτηκε να είναι η σοφότερη απόφαση της ζωής μου. Όχι οτι δεν υπάρχουν δυσκολίες και όλα
είναι ρόδινα.
Αλλά η μετανάστευση μου έδωσε προβάδισμα και πλεονεκτήματα έναντι
άλλων ανθρώπων που δεν έχουν ζήσει σε άλλη χώρα εκτός της μητρικής τους, ή
έχουν ταξιδέψει σε άλλες χώρες.
Όταν πρωτοήρθα
στο Δουβλίνο, δεν ήξερα κανέναν εδώ.
Έτσι άρχισα να κάνω παρέα με ανθρώπους από πολλές άλλες εθνικότητες. Έμαθα
καινούρια ήθη και έθιμα, κυρίως του ντόπιου πλυθησμού. Έμαθα να σκέφτομαι με
άλλη νοοτροπία, να βλέπω τα πράγματα από άλλη σκοπιά.
Και σε πολλές
περιπτώσεις είδα που μπορούσα να βελτιώσω η να αλλάξω το τρόπο σκέψης μου, πώς
να μάθω να σκέφτομαι όπως οι Ιρλανδοί και οι άλλοι λαοί που ήρθα σε επαφή. Στην
αρχή δεν αντιλαμβανόμουν τις αλλαγές που γινόταν στις αντίληψεις μου. Ήταν δύσκολο να εδραιώσω φιλίες, να βρώ
εργασία που να με ικανοποιεί και να μην πέφτω θύμα εκμετάλευσης.
Αλλά όλα αυτά τα
μαθήματα ήταν πολύτιμα μαθήματα ζωής, που με ανάγκασαν να χρησιμοποιήσω το
κεφάλι μου για να επιβιώσω. Αφού έμαθα την νοοτροπία των ντόπιων, άρχισα να
καταλαβαίνω που κάνουμε λάθος ώς Έλληνες σε εργασιακά, πολιτικά, κοινωνικά, πολιτισμικά
και άλλα θέματα. Και πού φυσικά έχουμε πρωταιρήματα.
Με τα χρόνια
άρχισα να χάνω την στενή και περιορισμένη αντίληψη που έχουν οι περισσότεροι
Έλληνες αλλά και οι ντόπιοι Ιρλανδοί. Σαν κάποιος να μου έδωσε έναν μαγικό καθρέπτη
που κάθε φορά που κάνεις κάποια λανθασμένη κίνηση και απορείς τί κάνεις λάθος, να
σου το φανερώνει.
Η νοοτροπία μου
άλλαξε, τα πιστεύω μου άλλαξαν. Τότε άρχισε μια άλλη μάχη: να διαπιστώσω πού
ανήκω πλέον. Όταν είμαι στην Ιρλανδία και μιλάω με τους Ιρλανδούς φίλους,
υπάρχουν φορές που αναπόφευκτα τους κριτικάρω σε όλα αυτα που κάνουν λάθος και
τους δίνω μια διαφορετική λύση στο πρόβλημά τους.
Πολλές φορές το
αντιλαμβάνονται λάθος και νομίζουν ότι
είμαι σνόμπ. Και ναι, υπάρχει ζήλεια και ξενοφοβία ανάμεσα και στους Ιρλανδούς,
ειδικά σε ότι είναι και ξένο αλλά και διαφορετικό και καλύτερο.
Το ίδιο συμβαίνει
και με πολούς Έλληνες όταν επισκεύτομαι την Ελλάδα. Κάποιες φορές οι συγκενείς και φίλοι δεν αντιλαμβάνονται
κάποια επιχειρήματα που χρησιμοποιώ σε συζητήσεις μας, αν και δείχνουν σίγουρα
Πολλοί παραδειγματίζονται, άλλοι έρχονται σε άβολη θέση. Κάποιοι με
θαυμάζουν, άλλοι με φθονούν. Απλά γιατί σκέφτομαι πράγματα που αυτοί με την
περιορισμένη «εθνική» τους αντίληψη, δεν μπορούν.
Η διαφορά μας
είναι ότι εγώ πλέον είμαι και αισθάνομαι κοσμοπολίτης. Δεν αισθάνομαι Έλληνας
μόνο, αλλά και Ευρωπαίος και πολίτης του κόσμου. Κάποια χαρακτηριστικά του
«τυπικού» Έλληνα τα έχω αφήσει πίσω μου.
Και κάποια άλλα από αυτά τα χαρακτηριστικά τα χρησιμοποιώ συχνά για να αποκτήσω
πρωταίρημα έναντι των Ιρλανδών και άλλων συναδέλφων άλλων εθνικοτήτων.
Για μένα το να
είσαι Έλληνας δεν είναι πλέον να είσαι κολλημένος στην «παράδοση,» αλλά να
χρησιμοποιείς κάποιες παραδόσεις στο να εμπλουτίσεις την ζωή σου. Την
φιλοξενεία, το φαγητό, το φιλότιμο, την εργατικότητα και την «ανοιχτή καρδιά»
του Έλληνα τα κουβαλάω πάντα μαζί μου και τα χρησιμοποιώ τακτικά για να κερδίσω
ανθρώπους και επιχειρήματα.
Αλλά την
στενομυαλιά, τον φόβο για κάθε ξένο και διαφορετικό ή προοδευτικό, την τυφλή
αποδοχή της ιδεολογίας των γονέων μας, την αποπνικτική πολλές φορές σχέση
μεταξύ γονέα-παιδιού ή μεταξύ δύο εραστών, όλα αυτα τα έχω αφήσει πίσω. Και η
σχέση μου με την θρησκεία και την «Ορθοδοξία» έχει φυσικα αναπόφευκτα αλλάξει.
Ελληνο-ορθόδοξη εκκλησία στο Δουβλίνο, και έχουμε και Ορθόδοξο ιερέα που είναι
Ιρλανδος στην καταγωγή. Άλλαξε θρησκεία κατά την παραμονή του στην Κύπρο, και
ενώ υπηρετούσε στον Ιρλανδικό στρατό και τα Ηνωμένα Έθνη μετά την εισβολή των
Τούρκων στη Μεγαλόνησο.
Έτσι μπορώ να διατηρώ κάποια από τα αγαπημένα μου έθιμα
όπως αυτά του Πάσχα, αλλά χωρίς να είμαι αδιάλλακτος σε θέματα δόγματος.
Τα Χριστούγεννα
για παραδείγματος χάρη, τα γιορτάζω με τρόπο «Ιρλανδικό» ή «Ευρωπαικό.» Πηγαίνω
σε Καθολική ή Προτεσταντική εκκλησία με φίλους. Δεν χρειάζομαι να ακολουθώ
απαραίτητα τα Ελληνικά έθιμα, παρά μόνο αυτά που μου αρέσουν. Όπως
παραδείγματος χάρη την κοπή της Βασιλόπιτας (όπου η μητέρα μου στέλνει ανελιπώς
κάθε χρόνο ταχυδρομικώς)!
Έχω γενικά
αποδεχτεί πολλά έθιμα απο την Ιρλανδία και εθνικές εορτές. Όπως την ημέρα του
Αγίου Πατρικίου και το περίφημο «Χαλοουίν.» Ενώ έχω εγκαταλήψει τελείως κάποιες
άλλες Ελληνικές εορτές όπως ο Δεκαπενταύγουστος.
Εθνικά και θρησκευτικά έθιμα
είναι απλά ένα παράδειγμα για τον νέο τρόπο σκέψης και κουλτούρας που έχω
αποκτήσει. Ένα υβρίδιο πολιτισμικό, που πολλές φορές μου φέρνει πλεονεκτήματα,
ενώ άλλες απλά κάνει την ζωή μου πιο πολύχρωμη, ενδιαφέρουσα και διαφορετική.
απίστευτα τυχερός που είμαι ικανός να έχω αυτή την εμπειρία. Γιατί παρά τα
προβλήματα, τον ρατσισμό μερικές φορες και όλες τις δυσκολίες, δεν θα
επιθυμούσα ποτε να γυρίσω πίσω σε αυτο που ήμουνα. Τώρα βλέπω τα πράγματα
διαφορετικά και εάν ποτέ γυρίσω στην Ελλάδα, δεν θα επιτρέψω στον εαυτό μου να
χάσει όλα αυτά που κέρδισα από την διαμονή μου στην Ιρλανδία.
Friday, November 2, 2012
Abortion Laws in Europe
For the past few weeks, another great debate has griped Ireland; the issue of abortion. The debate is not new in Ireland and in fact it has intensified for the past few years. Both camps, the "pro-choice" that supports the practice to be legalized in Ireland and the "pro-life" camp that is strongly opposing it, are fully engaging in it.
Ireland is one of the few countries in Europe that abortion is still illegal. Only Poland and Malta have similar laws. In fact pro-life campaigners mainly from Poland, are trying to gather 1 million signatures and make a petition to the European Parliament to ban abortion all over EU.
The people who are against the legalization of abortion in Ireland, do so because they want to protect the unborn children's rights and keep their country a "safe country for children to be born." The people who campaign for the legalization, want to promote women's rights.
A recent event gave the debate a whole new dimension. A clinic in Northern Ireland decided to allow abortions, making it the very first one to do so in the island of Ireland. The clinic of Marie Stopes Northern Ireland in Belfast decided to be the first sexual and reproductive health center to offer abortion services. Anyone over the age of 16 can access the center, including people from the Republic and services are available by appointment only.
Marie Stopes International, which is a not-for-profit organization, is the UK’s leading provider of sexual and reproductive healthcare services. The main legislative restriction is the Offenses Against the Person Act of 1861. Since 1967, the Abortion Act has governed abortion in England, Scotland and Wales but Northern Ireland was excluded, and the 1861 Act still applies there.
In 2009 the Department of Health published a document which, for the first time, provided guidance to health professionals in Northern Ireland on terminating pregnancy.
Last year there were about 1000 women from Norther Ireland and more than 4000 women from the Republic of Ireland traveling to England to end a pregnancy. Now with this new clinic in Belfast, that most likely will change. And of course it reignites the issue of abortion in the Republic. Can Ireland hold on to its conservative attitude towards abortions, since so many Irish women already practice it outside its borders?
Shouldn't we have a common European policy on this issue? With open borders and freedom to move around, what is the point of banning one thing in one state but allowing it in the bordering one? People will just move across the border and get it over there. Besides banning a practice that has been practiced illegally for decades before its legalization in other countries, only leads it to being practiced "underground," with huge cost to women's health. Remember the Vera Drake film?
Perhaps it is a matter of ethics and culture. I wonder why we always have to take it to the extremes. Either a total ban or total uncontrolled freedom! Why can't a woman be able to abort a fetus that she conceived after rape. Why can't a woman abort a fetus if after medical tests the doctors prove that the newborn baby won't be healthy, mentally or physically. Why must we punish a young girl to become a young inexperienced mother, because she made one mistake in her youth years to have unprotected sex.
But on the other hand, how do we prevent women from having too many abortions? It is not good for their own bodies and it is not ethical to actually kill so many fetuses. I personally say yes to abortions and to the right of women to regulate their own bodies. But equally I want to stop them taking for granted such freedom and use it to satisfy their vanity, or serve their immature lifestyle. Abortion should be the last resort and contraception should be promoted from young age. That is why I find necessary the establishment of sexual education in our schools.
If we speak openly about issues like these both at home and in school, then perhaps young girls won't have to seek for an abortion, once they are taught to be responsible with their bodies. But I think it is cruel to condemn them in a young motherhood, if they make one mistake. Everyone should deserve a second chance.
Recently there was also a case in Poland, another conservative country, of a young girl that won her case against the Polish state. The girl was a victim of rape and she fought for her right to have an abortion in her country. Only to be met with a staunch resistance by the state, but also be harassed and humiliated by anti-abortion campaign groups.
Eventually she won her case and had the abortion, but also the European Court of Justice in Strasbourg awarded her and her mother with a generous lump-sum for damages and the costs of the trial. The Strasbourg court has already twice condemned Poland for failing to ensure the law on this subject.
The Polish girl's case was very similar to a case taken by three Irish women two years ago in which the court also ruled in their favor. So perhaps we do need a pan-European agreement on this issue and countries like Poland and Ireland must comply with the rest of the European states. But also offer an alternative tool to prevent too many abortions taking place and satisfy the more conservatives or skeptics. Sex education I think would be the first line of defense.
Pro-life campaigning groups are putting pressure on the Irish Government to change its legislation and legalize abortions where necessary at least. Especially when the life of a woman is in danger or the pregnancy is a result of rape. The group Choice Ireland is notably one of them. They use the X-case that rocked Ireland back in the early '90s and then in the early '00s, as a solid argument for their cause.
A teenage girl that was raped and became pregnant, was refused the right by the Irish state to go to England and terminate her pregnancy. Because of that the girl considered suicide to end her misery. The Irish public was appalled by the way this young girl was treated and that sparked demonstrations from both camps on the abortion issue. Since then, the two camps are on the streets demonstrating occasionally. It lead to a referendum that resulted in the freedom to travel outside the State for an abortion to be passed. The freedom to obtain or make available information on abortion services was also passed.
The right to abortion though is still a thorny issue in Ireland. Hopefully both the Irish state and their European counterparts can come into a mutual agreement and respect women's rights as part of their general human rights. I would like to see more involvement by the EU in this issue, even though both in Poland and Ireland, this will be seen as "meddling" in internal state affairs.
Both Irish and Polish women are European citizens and should enjoy the same rights as any other woman in Europe. But in this case, the national politicians seem to be failing women, just to satisfy old, outdated, conservative, Catholic and male dominated doctrines. Isn't it time to move on from them, in the Europe of 2012?
Ireland is one of the few countries in Europe that abortion is still illegal. Only Poland and Malta have similar laws. In fact pro-life campaigners mainly from Poland, are trying to gather 1 million signatures and make a petition to the European Parliament to ban abortion all over EU.
The people who are against the legalization of abortion in Ireland, do so because they want to protect the unborn children's rights and keep their country a "safe country for children to be born." The people who campaign for the legalization, want to promote women's rights.
A recent event gave the debate a whole new dimension. A clinic in Northern Ireland decided to allow abortions, making it the very first one to do so in the island of Ireland. The clinic of Marie Stopes Northern Ireland in Belfast decided to be the first sexual and reproductive health center to offer abortion services. Anyone over the age of 16 can access the center, including people from the Republic and services are available by appointment only.
Marie Stopes International, which is a not-for-profit organization, is the UK’s leading provider of sexual and reproductive healthcare services. The main legislative restriction is the Offenses Against the Person Act of 1861. Since 1967, the Abortion Act has governed abortion in England, Scotland and Wales but Northern Ireland was excluded, and the 1861 Act still applies there.
In 2009 the Department of Health published a document which, for the first time, provided guidance to health professionals in Northern Ireland on terminating pregnancy.
Last year there were about 1000 women from Norther Ireland and more than 4000 women from the Republic of Ireland traveling to England to end a pregnancy. Now with this new clinic in Belfast, that most likely will change. And of course it reignites the issue of abortion in the Republic. Can Ireland hold on to its conservative attitude towards abortions, since so many Irish women already practice it outside its borders?
Shouldn't we have a common European policy on this issue? With open borders and freedom to move around, what is the point of banning one thing in one state but allowing it in the bordering one? People will just move across the border and get it over there. Besides banning a practice that has been practiced illegally for decades before its legalization in other countries, only leads it to being practiced "underground," with huge cost to women's health. Remember the Vera Drake film?
Perhaps it is a matter of ethics and culture. I wonder why we always have to take it to the extremes. Either a total ban or total uncontrolled freedom! Why can't a woman be able to abort a fetus that she conceived after rape. Why can't a woman abort a fetus if after medical tests the doctors prove that the newborn baby won't be healthy, mentally or physically. Why must we punish a young girl to become a young inexperienced mother, because she made one mistake in her youth years to have unprotected sex.
But on the other hand, how do we prevent women from having too many abortions? It is not good for their own bodies and it is not ethical to actually kill so many fetuses. I personally say yes to abortions and to the right of women to regulate their own bodies. But equally I want to stop them taking for granted such freedom and use it to satisfy their vanity, or serve their immature lifestyle. Abortion should be the last resort and contraception should be promoted from young age. That is why I find necessary the establishment of sexual education in our schools.
If we speak openly about issues like these both at home and in school, then perhaps young girls won't have to seek for an abortion, once they are taught to be responsible with their bodies. But I think it is cruel to condemn them in a young motherhood, if they make one mistake. Everyone should deserve a second chance.
Recently there was also a case in Poland, another conservative country, of a young girl that won her case against the Polish state. The girl was a victim of rape and she fought for her right to have an abortion in her country. Only to be met with a staunch resistance by the state, but also be harassed and humiliated by anti-abortion campaign groups.
Eventually she won her case and had the abortion, but also the European Court of Justice in Strasbourg awarded her and her mother with a generous lump-sum for damages and the costs of the trial. The Strasbourg court has already twice condemned Poland for failing to ensure the law on this subject.
The Polish girl's case was very similar to a case taken by three Irish women two years ago in which the court also ruled in their favor. So perhaps we do need a pan-European agreement on this issue and countries like Poland and Ireland must comply with the rest of the European states. But also offer an alternative tool to prevent too many abortions taking place and satisfy the more conservatives or skeptics. Sex education I think would be the first line of defense.
Pro-life campaigning groups are putting pressure on the Irish Government to change its legislation and legalize abortions where necessary at least. Especially when the life of a woman is in danger or the pregnancy is a result of rape. The group Choice Ireland is notably one of them. They use the X-case that rocked Ireland back in the early '90s and then in the early '00s, as a solid argument for their cause.
A teenage girl that was raped and became pregnant, was refused the right by the Irish state to go to England and terminate her pregnancy. Because of that the girl considered suicide to end her misery. The Irish public was appalled by the way this young girl was treated and that sparked demonstrations from both camps on the abortion issue. Since then, the two camps are on the streets demonstrating occasionally. It lead to a referendum that resulted in the freedom to travel outside the State for an abortion to be passed. The freedom to obtain or make available information on abortion services was also passed.
The right to abortion though is still a thorny issue in Ireland. Hopefully both the Irish state and their European counterparts can come into a mutual agreement and respect women's rights as part of their general human rights. I would like to see more involvement by the EU in this issue, even though both in Poland and Ireland, this will be seen as "meddling" in internal state affairs.
Both Irish and Polish women are European citizens and should enjoy the same rights as any other woman in Europe. But in this case, the national politicians seem to be failing women, just to satisfy old, outdated, conservative, Catholic and male dominated doctrines. Isn't it time to move on from them, in the Europe of 2012?
Thursday, November 1, 2012
The EU and Europe that I want.
It is noticeable that this blog is so called "pro-EU" or "pro-European." Does this mean that I personally support everything that comes from the current effort for European integration? Definitely not.
I do not believe that the current EU represents the interests of the ordinary people. That is obvious. But we have to remember that the "European project" started as a trade organization and it remained so until the '90s. Is the best choice we have to scrap or oppose the EU?
I think not. Even when we accept the fact that the EU is good for business and businessmen, there have been many beneficial projects initiated by the EU over the years. The Erasmus program is only one of them.
The option we have in my opinion is to get involved and be vigilant. Use our vote wisely. Right now Europe is in its majority conservative. Most European governments are center-right or right-wing. And in result, the European Parliament is also dominated by the Right. The EPP is the most popular and powerful political party in it, taking almost 2/3 of the seats.
So is it any wonder that Europe is dominated by conservative, austerity and anti-social security policies? But who gave those certain parties power and placed them in power? We did, we voted for them. So how can we change this situation? Simply by voting for the right parties, that will respect and represent our interests.
If we start voting for socialist or left wing parties, then the EU and Europe will be more socialist and protective of the worker's rights. In that way, perhaps we will achieve a more equal European society on a national or even pan-European level.
To me, all European states should become EU member states and sit around the European Parliament's seats. From Iceland to Ukraine and Malta to Norway. Independently if the country is poor or rich, EU membership should not be about wealth and status only. But sharing common interests, working and cooperating to create a stable, prosperous European community for all Europeans.
We should end
the monopolies of the rich elites, of the rich countries in Europe an
the World! Turn the EU from a lobby to a political union and forum for
the citizens, not the representatives of the rich elites. Make the EU
more democratic, proceed with redistribution of wealth in Europe. Not just a few countries should gather all industrial and economic power and
activity in our continent.
But if you want a stable Europe invest in all countries, promote growth and jobs
not austerity, create new industries, jobs and education to give our
youth jobs. But do not give all these new industries to the hands of the
few rich elites of the rich nations again. Let each nation or region
create these new industries with the support of a newly set pan-European
growth stimulus fund.
Each country should exploit its own natural
resources for the benefit of its own people first, then share them with
the inhabitants of the whole continent of Europe. Make it fair, make it
right. Stability and wealth for all Europe, means growth and
competitiveness for all the continent against other, newly emerging regions of
the world. We do not want any more bail outs, thus more debt being
thrown on our countries. We want jobs! And a more socialist Europe.
But how can we achieve that while having to deal with multinational companies and the ever lasting search for investment? They are not loyal to any nation, they are constantly seeking for more profit and new investments in order to achieve that. Today they are investing in your country, but when their interests shift they leave and they may never come back.
So as soon as they invest in your country and you get money out of them, or create new jobs and better the living standards of your citizens, don't rely on them; invest this money to create jobs of your own in your country, or educate your youth. Invest in education and innovation. So when they decide to leave and move on, you at least have used the opportunity wisely.
Most of our leaders of course do not do that. The bow to their demands and waste the money in perpetuating their power, in numerous scandals. And in the end we end up with these multinationals owning our nations. By using lobbing they make sure that the policies that our governments pursue are always in their favor.
We should also manage the banks, create a pan-European Banking Union. Perhaps even nationalize a number of them, merge them, limit their power. The Banks should be there to assist people and states in their development and of course make profit in the process. But not to stand in their way by becoming ruling dominating powers themselves. We have our governments to do that!
As for the Markets? Well we could start by establishing European rating agencies. Right now we only have American agencies, promoting their own interests and monopolizing the Markets. We need more diversity and competition in this sphere too, European and other rating agencies to break the monopoly of the USA. Under what criteria those American based rating companies are rating different countries?
To conclude, I definitely do not support THIS EU that we have at the moment. But instead of scraping it, I see the potential that we can achieve, if we all get a bit more serious and responsible in our involvement. If we make it a union of nations, not of businesses. If we keep in check our politicians and leading elites. If the EU becomes what it was really meant to be and was envisioned by its founding fathers. We need an EU for an equal, prosperous Europe.
But not just in economics and finances: in art, culture, education, innovation, employment and human rights too. We do not need a trade only forum for businessmen that we have no voice in it, we need a strong European Parliament with all the powers that a parliament needs to have to be effective. That will make Europe federal, of some sort. We should not be afraid of that. If I had to scrap an EU body, that would definitely not be the EP, rather the EU Council. To end the "intergovernmental-ism" that plagues the EU.
Right now I do not blame any "euro-sceptic" person, as long as the criticism is constructive and not rooted in nationalism and narrow-mindedness. We need this constructive criticism, to evaluate where we are going with this project and have a variety of opinions. Though I am a staunch pro-European, I can see that the EU is in danger of following the wrong path. But negative thinking and mistrust is as destructive as blinded rose-tinted EU cheering.
It is noticeable that this blog is so called "pro-EU" or "pro-European." Does this mean that I personally support everything that comes from the current effort for European integration? Definitely not.
I do not believe that the current EU represents the interests of the ordinary people. That is obvious. But we have to remember that the "European project" started as a trade organization and it remained so until the '90s. Is the best choice we have to scrap or oppose the EU?
I think not. Even when we accept the fact that the EU is good for business and businessmen, there have been many beneficial projects initiated by the EU over the years. The Erasmus program is only one of them.
The option we have in my opinion is to get involved and be vigilant. Use our vote wisely. Right now Europe is in its majority conservative. Most European governments are center-right or right-wing. And in result, the European Parliament is also dominated by the Right. The EPP is the most popular and powerful political party in it, taking almost 2/3 of the seats.
So is it any wonder that Europe is dominated by conservative, austerity and anti-social security policies? But who gave those certain parties power and placed them in power? We did, we voted for them. So how can we change this situation? Simply by voting for the right parties, that will respect and represent our interests.
If we start voting for socialist or left wing parties, then the EU and Europe will be more socialist and protective of the worker's rights. In that way, perhaps we will achieve a more equal European society on a national or even pan-European level.
To me, all European states should become EU member states and sit around the European Parliament's seats. From Iceland to Ukraine and Malta to Norway. Independently if the country is poor or rich, EU membership should not be about wealth and status only. But sharing common interests, working and cooperating to create a stable, prosperous European community for all Europeans.
We should end the monopolies of the rich elites, of the rich countries in Europe an the World! Turn the EU from a lobby to a political union and forum for the citizens, not the representatives of the rich elites. Make the EU more democratic, proceed with redistribution of wealth in Europe. Not just a few countries should gather all industrial and economic power and activity in our continent.
But if you want a stable Europe invest in all countries, promote growth and jobs not austerity, create new industries, jobs and education to give our youth jobs. But do not give all these new industries to the hands of the few rich elites of the rich nations again. Let each nation or region create these new industries with the support of a newly set pan-European growth stimulus fund.
Each country should exploit its own natural resources for the benefit of its own people first, then share them with the inhabitants of the whole continent of Europe. Make it fair, make it right. Stability and wealth for all Europe, means growth and competitiveness for all the continent against other, newly emerging regions of the world. We do not want any more bail outs, thus more debt being thrown on our countries. We want jobs! And a more socialist Europe.
But how can we achieve that while having to deal with multinational companies and the ever lasting search for investment? They are not loyal to any nation, they are constantly seeking for more profit and new investments in order to achieve that. Today they are investing in your country, but when their interests shift they leave and they may never come back.
So as soon as they invest in your country and you get money out of them, or create new jobs and better the living standards of your citizens, don't rely on them; invest this money to create jobs of your own in your country, or educate your youth. Invest in education and innovation. So when they decide to leave and move on, you at least have used the opportunity wisely.
Most of our leaders of course do not do that. The bow to their demands and waste the money in perpetuating their power, in numerous scandals. And in the end we end up with these multinationals owning our nations. By using lobbing they make sure that the policies that our governments pursue are always in their favor.
We should also manage the banks, create a pan-European Banking Union. Perhaps even nationalize a number of them, merge them, limit their power. The Banks should be there to assist people and states in their development and of course make profit in the process. But not to stand in their way by becoming ruling dominating powers themselves. We have our governments to do that!
As for the Markets? Well we could start by establishing European rating agencies. Right now we only have American agencies, promoting their own interests and monopolizing the Markets. We need more diversity and competition in this sphere too, European and other rating agencies to break the monopoly of the USA. Under what criteria those American based rating companies are rating different countries?
To conclude, I definitely do not support THIS EU that we have at the moment. But instead of scraping it, I see the potential that we can achieve, if we all get a bit more serious and responsible in our involvement. If we make it a union of nations, not of businesses. If we keep in check our politicians and leading elites. If the EU becomes what it was really meant to be and was envisioned by its founding fathers. We need an EU for an equal, prosperous Europe.
But not just in economics and finances: in art, culture, education, innovation, employment and human rights too. We do not need a trade only forum for businessmen that we have no voice in it, we need a strong European Parliament with all the powers that a parliament needs to have to be effective. That will make Europe federal, of some sort. We should not be afraid of that. If I had to scrap an EU body, that would definitely not be the EP, rather the EU Council. To end the "intergovernmental-ism" that plagues the EU.
Right now I do not blame any "euro-sceptic" person, as long as the criticism is constructive and not rooted in nationalism and narrow-mindedness. We need this constructive criticism, to evaluate where we are going with this project and have a variety of opinions. Though I am a staunch pro-European, I can see that the EU is in danger of following the wrong path. But negative thinking and mistrust is as destructive as blinded rose-tinted EU cheering.
Friday, October 26, 2012
The Irish Left welcomes the Greek. A weekend of debate!
Last weekend I was given the excellent opportunity to work as a translator for a Greek SYRIZA MP, Mr. Yannis Stathas in his visit to Ireland. He was invited to give a series of talks in Ireland by the ULA (United Left Alliance) party, with the support and coordination of an Irish ULA MEP Mr. Paul Murphy.
The two day talks were given in Dublin and Dungloe in County Donegal, the north western tip of Ireland. Mr. Stathas was not the only speaker of course. A series of talks were given by many other ULA members and supporters, together with some guest speakers from the Irish Left.
The first discussion took place in the "Teacher's Club" in Parnell street in Dublin central. There, the speakers included Paul Murphy, Yannis Stathas himself and John Molyneux, a British Trotskyist, former senior lecturer in the University of Portsmouth and member of the Socialist Worker's Party in Ireland.
The discussion was obviously about the crisis in Greece, how it evolved and what impact it had to the Greek society. How the Greeks are dealing with it and what can Ireland learn from Greece and be prepared. Paul Murphy and Mr Molyneux mentioned the facts and the history of the Greek crisis. The audience showed interest in what is going on in Greece and many expressed their inspiration they get from the Greek "resistance."
To most of them, Greece is setting an example to the rest of Europe on how to fight, admitting that Greece is only the forefront of the battles that all European people are and will have to face in the future. They really hope that Syriza will manage to gain more votes in the next Greek elections, that many predicted will come soon, even come into power.
With Syriza forming a government in Greece, many left wing supporters hope that this will turn the tide for the Left in Europe.Only with a strong Left the European people will be able to protect themselves from this ruthless attack by the Banks, the Markets, our rich governing elites and the Capitalist system.
They also discussed why the Left is so fragmented and how this affects its success. While the Right is united, rich and strong, tactical in its attacks to the European workforce, the Left is divided and constantly squabbling with infighting.
They mentioned that the EPP (European People's Party) is the strongest party in the European Parliament and most Governments in Europe right now are Right wing and conservative. They also discussed the rise of the Far Right, the nationalism and fascism in Europe and how we can tackle it.
Mr Paul Murphy described how it is very hard to win any fights in the EP, while the Right is so strong, organized and dominant in it. The Left is a minority. Even the Irish delegates are all business and money oriented, that is the culture of most of the EU officials.
Mr. Stathas explained how the far right has gained so much prominence in Greece and he predicted that like many times before, once the balance is restored, they will weaken and their influence will diminish. But it is important to stop the spread of nationalism by stopping the ever growing power of the capitalist system.
"The far right is there to serve the interests of the conservatives," he said. He brought as example the fact that during Mrs Merkel's visit in Athens recently, the Golden Dawn party was the only one who did not protest, made a statement against her visit, or went down the streets to show their disapproval of the policies she promotes.
Then he explained Syriza's views and future plans once they get into power, or the party's actions to help the Greek society fight against this organized attack by the Greek and European capitalist elites. He described how they have organized patrols to stop bank and state officials, together with the Greek police to proceed with the repossession orders of houses that their owners can not pay the loan repayments. They physically block them and stop them.
Mr Stathas is also an activist of the "I Don't Pay" movement. A movement in Greece that denies to pay any money for public services, like road tolls, hospital fees, subway ticket machines etc, showing the Greek public's anger and discontent for the growing taxes and salary cuts they have to accept.
The role and corruption of the unions and syndicates in Greece and Ireland was also discussed and their role in the weakening or loss of many worker's rights. Their compromise means a leaderless worker's movement, that needs to be addressed and solved.
One of the questions asked by a member of the audience was about the violence the Greek public has to endure while protesting for their rights. Most of them called it suppression of democracy and free speech. The Syriza party, as Mr Stathas explained, intends to remove the MAT police force and forbid it from using violence on the Greek public again. The force will be dissolved and absorbed into the rest national police and defense force.
Questioning what action will be best and bring results both in Greece and Ireland, Mr Stathas suggested that we must have extension of the strike period for at least 5 days in a row, paralyzing the country. One day of strike here and there, organized by different unions do not have much impact. We need to get all organized and unite together. "As the capitalists are uniting and working together to suppress us, likewise we need to unite, have no fear and resist all together against them," claimed Mr. Stathas.
He repeatedly encouraged the Irish audience not to have fear and revolt. He reminded them their past, when they were fighting against British colonial rule. Like then, they are now faced with another kind of oppression and they need to stand up and fight, according their own culture, mentality and beliefs.
They must find a way, their own way of resisting. Answering to a question on why the Greek youth are so active and take to the streets while the Irish remain more idle, Mr Stathas expressed his confidence that the Irish youth will rise up in their own way, once the times become too dire for Ireland.
He also announced some of the policies that Syriza will promote once and if it gets into power, like the nationalization of the Banks and the refusal to pay any debts. He brought as an example the Ancient Greek mentality of the money usage.
The ancient Greek currency was called the "talanto" and it weighted almost 2 kilos, for the reason that it would not be carried around. Money was used only to buy things. Not to make profit out of it, by usury and lending or exchanging and trading it.
The next day we drove up to Dungloe to attend the Peadar O'Donnel Weekend, a three day leftist political ideology debate and festival. We gathered in the town's public library and the debate was again about the situation in Greece, but this time with a focus on the Irish perspective and many local issues. Who runs Ireland, the weak Irish Capitalist elite, local unemployment, emigration and if the Irish people have to pay their debt or not were the issues discussed.
Mr Stathas spoke about Germany and its debt to Greece. He explained to the Irish audience all the actions of the Nazi Germany against Greece, how they stole the country's gold and forced the country to get a loan that it would have to pay off, while Germany received the money to fund their war against the rest of Europe.
There was an agreement after the end of WW2 that once the two German states were re-united, Germany would compensate Greece for the damages, something that it failed to do so far. Many in the Greek opposition, notably Syriza are pursuing to bring the issue to the European Court of Justice in Hague. Cooperating with the Italian authorities, because the Greek have compromised already following the pressure from Germany.
The discussion then focused more on Irish issues and after the end of Mr Stathas speech we were joined by Mr Thomas Pringle TD, an independent left wing politician, Mrs Bernadette (Devlin) McAliskey, a renown Irish socialist and political activist and Mr. Tommy McKearney, a former hunger-striker and volunteer for the Provisional I.R.A. MEP Paul Murphy also joined them in the discussions.
They analyzed the state of the Irish economy and how the local community suffered the recession. Donegal they claimed never really benefited from the "Celtic Tiger" years in Ireland and the region lacks in investment. Now with the economic crisis the situation got only worse and massive emigration has hit the region.
They blamed the "weak" Irish capitalist elite. That elite that did not really do much good for the country, rather rely on foreign capitalist elites. This elite is not as creative or capable in serving the country's interests. Their reliance on foreign investment actually compromises Ireland's sovereignty, forcing the state to become a tax haven in order to play by the foreign investors rules and keep them in the country.
But those investors do not do much good in the country, apart from the few ghost enterprises they set up in Ireland, employing a small only number of Irish workforce. "Not that we should scorn any number of jobs during these times," they added, but they do not bring ever lasting stability and long term solutions.
So who really governs Ireland? The foreign capitalist elites, that was the message that they tried to pass on to the audience. Mr Thomas Pringle in his speech, argued that paying the debt won't do much good to the country. Just like in Greece, it will only add more debt and will push Ireland the same road, deeper into a debt that will be impossible to pay.
Repudiate this debt is one solution, though not without any consequences. Generally the debate focused on trying to find the root of the problem for Ireland, that included weak unions and syndicates, weak capitalist elite and leaders, the unchanging attitude of the Irish public itself and the lack of organized protests.
That is why they are seeking inspiration from Greece and other countries that resist. They have serious interest in seeing how Greece is coping, despite everything that is going against the country, notably the absolute surrender of the Greek political and capitalist elite. And because the Irish public fears that the same will happen to them, they are hoping for a massive Europe wide surge of power of the Left.
I am so glad that I had this chance to be part of this debate, and get to know an alternative political conscience growing in Ireland, more awareness and more respect and understanding for Greece.And that is not happening only in Ireland, but in many countries all over Europe. The public opinion is mostly in favor now for the Greek people.
I am also glad that I spoke with ordinary people of Ireland, especially from the rural areas and got to know the other side of this country. The side that never progressed but it still hopes, thinks and it expresses its concerns. The side that gets active and organized, the part that speaks out. That discuss real problems of real people and comes up with real solutions.
A lady noted in the Teacher's Club the previous day, that "we hear about protests in Greece, Spain, Portugal, Italy or even France and I feel ashamed sometimes that Ireland is not included in those countries, even though that we are in the same kind of trouble with the above countries." She then expressed her wish to see more action in her own country. "The Irish youth will revolt in its own way when time comes," Mr Stathas reassured her. Now I think I am confident to see this happening.
(A special Thank you to Mr. Paul Murphy MEP, Mr. Yannis Stathats MP, the members and supporters of the ULA that organized this event, as well as my friend Ioanna Dionysopoulou that suggested me as the translator for Mr. Stathas).
The two day talks were given in Dublin and Dungloe in County Donegal, the north western tip of Ireland. Mr. Stathas was not the only speaker of course. A series of talks were given by many other ULA members and supporters, together with some guest speakers from the Irish Left.
The first discussion took place in the "Teacher's Club" in Parnell street in Dublin central. There, the speakers included Paul Murphy, Yannis Stathas himself and John Molyneux, a British Trotskyist, former senior lecturer in the University of Portsmouth and member of the Socialist Worker's Party in Ireland.
The discussion was obviously about the crisis in Greece, how it evolved and what impact it had to the Greek society. How the Greeks are dealing with it and what can Ireland learn from Greece and be prepared. Paul Murphy and Mr Molyneux mentioned the facts and the history of the Greek crisis. The audience showed interest in what is going on in Greece and many expressed their inspiration they get from the Greek "resistance."
To most of them, Greece is setting an example to the rest of Europe on how to fight, admitting that Greece is only the forefront of the battles that all European people are and will have to face in the future. They really hope that Syriza will manage to gain more votes in the next Greek elections, that many predicted will come soon, even come into power.
With Syriza forming a government in Greece, many left wing supporters hope that this will turn the tide for the Left in Europe.Only with a strong Left the European people will be able to protect themselves from this ruthless attack by the Banks, the Markets, our rich governing elites and the Capitalist system.
They also discussed why the Left is so fragmented and how this affects its success. While the Right is united, rich and strong, tactical in its attacks to the European workforce, the Left is divided and constantly squabbling with infighting.
They mentioned that the EPP (European People's Party) is the strongest party in the European Parliament and most Governments in Europe right now are Right wing and conservative. They also discussed the rise of the Far Right, the nationalism and fascism in Europe and how we can tackle it.
Mr Paul Murphy described how it is very hard to win any fights in the EP, while the Right is so strong, organized and dominant in it. The Left is a minority. Even the Irish delegates are all business and money oriented, that is the culture of most of the EU officials.
Mr. Stathas explained how the far right has gained so much prominence in Greece and he predicted that like many times before, once the balance is restored, they will weaken and their influence will diminish. But it is important to stop the spread of nationalism by stopping the ever growing power of the capitalist system.
"The far right is there to serve the interests of the conservatives," he said. He brought as example the fact that during Mrs Merkel's visit in Athens recently, the Golden Dawn party was the only one who did not protest, made a statement against her visit, or went down the streets to show their disapproval of the policies she promotes.
Then he explained Syriza's views and future plans once they get into power, or the party's actions to help the Greek society fight against this organized attack by the Greek and European capitalist elites. He described how they have organized patrols to stop bank and state officials, together with the Greek police to proceed with the repossession orders of houses that their owners can not pay the loan repayments. They physically block them and stop them.
Mr Stathas is also an activist of the "I Don't Pay" movement. A movement in Greece that denies to pay any money for public services, like road tolls, hospital fees, subway ticket machines etc, showing the Greek public's anger and discontent for the growing taxes and salary cuts they have to accept.
The role and corruption of the unions and syndicates in Greece and Ireland was also discussed and their role in the weakening or loss of many worker's rights. Their compromise means a leaderless worker's movement, that needs to be addressed and solved.
One of the questions asked by a member of the audience was about the violence the Greek public has to endure while protesting for their rights. Most of them called it suppression of democracy and free speech. The Syriza party, as Mr Stathas explained, intends to remove the MAT police force and forbid it from using violence on the Greek public again. The force will be dissolved and absorbed into the rest national police and defense force.
Questioning what action will be best and bring results both in Greece and Ireland, Mr Stathas suggested that we must have extension of the strike period for at least 5 days in a row, paralyzing the country. One day of strike here and there, organized by different unions do not have much impact. We need to get all organized and unite together. "As the capitalists are uniting and working together to suppress us, likewise we need to unite, have no fear and resist all together against them," claimed Mr. Stathas.
He repeatedly encouraged the Irish audience not to have fear and revolt. He reminded them their past, when they were fighting against British colonial rule. Like then, they are now faced with another kind of oppression and they need to stand up and fight, according their own culture, mentality and beliefs.
They must find a way, their own way of resisting. Answering to a question on why the Greek youth are so active and take to the streets while the Irish remain more idle, Mr Stathas expressed his confidence that the Irish youth will rise up in their own way, once the times become too dire for Ireland.
He also announced some of the policies that Syriza will promote once and if it gets into power, like the nationalization of the Banks and the refusal to pay any debts. He brought as an example the Ancient Greek mentality of the money usage.
The ancient Greek currency was called the "talanto" and it weighted almost 2 kilos, for the reason that it would not be carried around. Money was used only to buy things. Not to make profit out of it, by usury and lending or exchanging and trading it.
So what we need right now is a euro and a kind of European Union that will promote people's interests first and safeguard them against the greed of the ruling capitalist elite. Syriza is not against the euro and the EU, rather against the type that we are being offered.
And for all the slander that Greece went through, all for one purpose to bring the country to its knees and steal all its natural resources, the fight must still go on. All Europeans, unions, syndicates and
leftists together must coordinate their efforts to offer an alternative to the citizens of Europe.
The next day we drove up to Dungloe to attend the Peadar O'Donnel Weekend, a three day leftist political ideology debate and festival. We gathered in the town's public library and the debate was again about the situation in Greece, but this time with a focus on the Irish perspective and many local issues. Who runs Ireland, the weak Irish Capitalist elite, local unemployment, emigration and if the Irish people have to pay their debt or not were the issues discussed.
Mr Stathas spoke about Germany and its debt to Greece. He explained to the Irish audience all the actions of the Nazi Germany against Greece, how they stole the country's gold and forced the country to get a loan that it would have to pay off, while Germany received the money to fund their war against the rest of Europe.
There was an agreement after the end of WW2 that once the two German states were re-united, Germany would compensate Greece for the damages, something that it failed to do so far. Many in the Greek opposition, notably Syriza are pursuing to bring the issue to the European Court of Justice in Hague. Cooperating with the Italian authorities, because the Greek have compromised already following the pressure from Germany.
The discussion then focused more on Irish issues and after the end of Mr Stathas speech we were joined by Mr Thomas Pringle TD, an independent left wing politician, Mrs Bernadette (Devlin) McAliskey, a renown Irish socialist and political activist and Mr. Tommy McKearney, a former hunger-striker and volunteer for the Provisional I.R.A. MEP Paul Murphy also joined them in the discussions.
They analyzed the state of the Irish economy and how the local community suffered the recession. Donegal they claimed never really benefited from the "Celtic Tiger" years in Ireland and the region lacks in investment. Now with the economic crisis the situation got only worse and massive emigration has hit the region.
They blamed the "weak" Irish capitalist elite. That elite that did not really do much good for the country, rather rely on foreign capitalist elites. This elite is not as creative or capable in serving the country's interests. Their reliance on foreign investment actually compromises Ireland's sovereignty, forcing the state to become a tax haven in order to play by the foreign investors rules and keep them in the country.
But those investors do not do much good in the country, apart from the few ghost enterprises they set up in Ireland, employing a small only number of Irish workforce. "Not that we should scorn any number of jobs during these times," they added, but they do not bring ever lasting stability and long term solutions.
So who really governs Ireland? The foreign capitalist elites, that was the message that they tried to pass on to the audience. Mr Thomas Pringle in his speech, argued that paying the debt won't do much good to the country. Just like in Greece, it will only add more debt and will push Ireland the same road, deeper into a debt that will be impossible to pay.
Repudiate this debt is one solution, though not without any consequences. Generally the debate focused on trying to find the root of the problem for Ireland, that included weak unions and syndicates, weak capitalist elite and leaders, the unchanging attitude of the Irish public itself and the lack of organized protests.
That is why they are seeking inspiration from Greece and other countries that resist. They have serious interest in seeing how Greece is coping, despite everything that is going against the country, notably the absolute surrender of the Greek political and capitalist elite. And because the Irish public fears that the same will happen to them, they are hoping for a massive Europe wide surge of power of the Left.
I am so glad that I had this chance to be part of this debate, and get to know an alternative political conscience growing in Ireland, more awareness and more respect and understanding for Greece.And that is not happening only in Ireland, but in many countries all over Europe. The public opinion is mostly in favor now for the Greek people.
I am also glad that I spoke with ordinary people of Ireland, especially from the rural areas and got to know the other side of this country. The side that never progressed but it still hopes, thinks and it expresses its concerns. The side that gets active and organized, the part that speaks out. That discuss real problems of real people and comes up with real solutions.
A lady noted in the Teacher's Club the previous day, that "we hear about protests in Greece, Spain, Portugal, Italy or even France and I feel ashamed sometimes that Ireland is not included in those countries, even though that we are in the same kind of trouble with the above countries." She then expressed her wish to see more action in her own country. "The Irish youth will revolt in its own way when time comes," Mr Stathas reassured her. Now I think I am confident to see this happening.
(A special Thank you to Mr. Paul Murphy MEP, Mr. Yannis Stathats MP, the members and supporters of the ULA that organized this event, as well as my friend Ioanna Dionysopoulou that suggested me as the translator for Mr. Stathas).
Sunday, October 14, 2012
The EU is awarded a Nobel Prize!
The EU has been awarded last Friday a Peace Nobel Prize by the Norwegian Nobel committee. The news have made many people angry while for others, notably the EU officials, it was a very proud and joyful moment.
In my opinion the Nobel Prize is justified and something that should have happened long time ago. Europe is indeed transformed for the better because of the EU and many people benefit from many EU funded programs. Europe will never go back to what it was before, a war torn continent because our economies are so intertwined now, that going to war would be something unthinkable! Because you would be hurting your own economy too, if you tried to harm another country.
Nevertheless I also think that the timing was very bad. If they awarded the Prize after 2004, when Europe united after 5 decades of being cut in half by the Iron Curtain it would be more appropriate. The re-unification of the Continent was a reason to present the EU with the Nobel Prize. But now, if we look at what is happening across Europe it simply looks daft!
There is a social uprising almost in every country and people are angry, especially in the countries worst affected by the recession. How you justify the award, when you are in their eyes the cause of so much poverty, inequality and injustice. When it is you who impose the austerity on them and you force them to not have enough to provide for their children. When you force many jobs to close in their countries and leave them without jobs and with an uncertain future? What prize can make you look better in their eyes?
Is it just a PR move from the European elites? Are they trying to promote this way the European project to their citizens? Well this is the stupidest way of doing it. Even though as a staunch "pro-European" I am delighted the the EU won eventually this award and it deserved it, it just does not make sense at this moment in time. If you want to promote the EU and the opportunities it offers or the achievements it has accomplished, do so by making the citizens' lives better and provide them with solutions to their problems.
Right now what we see is that the EU (apparently) creates more problems for them! It promotes more competition, open markets, it supports the Banks and their bailing out, it supports the Markets and the capitalist system! It takes away their social benefits and lowers their salaries in half. Now of course it is not the EU's fault that Europe is in crisis. The blame should be put mainly in the chronic wrong political and financial decisions that our national governments have followed. But when they need solutions, they always call the EU to come and clean their mess, thus scapegoating the EU for the problems and putting it in the front-line to find solutions.
Not that the EU has not a share of blame for this mess that we are in. It is proven that the EU officials knew about the state of many of Europe's economies, but they did nothing to change that. Could they I could ask, when Europe is being governed by the rich elites of each nation. And of course the rich elites of the richer nations have more say and power. The EU as it stands and operates at the moment in other words, represents the Aristocracy of this continent. Even though there are many great EU projects, programs, initiatives and institutions, they are all being undermined by our national governments that though are signing up for them, they never bother to implement them fully.
In other words, though the EU is giving many opportunities to the citizens, they are being hijacked by the ruling elites of each country and being used for their benefit. Is it any wonder for example that in my native country Greece, there was literally no information about our EU rights as EU citizens for the public? We joined the EU in 1981 and it was only after I moved to Ireland 8 years ago that I saw for the first time a program in our national television, discussing and explaining our EU rights to us. Why doesn't our government inform us about our rights as EU citizens? Is it perhaps because they want to safeguard those benefits and use them for their own benefit, when they want to present them as their idea or for their supporters only?
Generally I put the blame for the situation mostly on the Greek political, financial and industrial elite, then of course on the elites of our European "partners" like those of Germany, France, Holland, Finland, Austria, Britain and so on. They want their interests secured and served, so our elites simply oblige them by doing whatever they ask. Just see how Germany's Chancellor Mrs. Merkel has taken the lead of Europe and advices us all how to run our economies. Who gave her this privilege and right?
So the EU, that is run by our political elites, simply follows our elites' guidelines. But it is the EU that takes the blame for the mess, never our national governments. If the Greek politicians had any backbone, and if the politicians of some rich countries in Europe were not as greedy, we the citizens would not be the ones who would pay the price. But trying to award the EU with a prize now, simply resembles with a slap in the face to most of us! What is the point? We need to see actions and solutions to reinstall support and confidence in the European project and no award can do that.
I would happily love to see the award being given if and when the EU solved the crisis in Europe and made the lives of the citizens easier. Certainly not now! And it is funny to see that the award is actually coming from Norway, a country that chose to stay out of the club. Is this a sign of a possible Norwegian membership renegotiation, or have they simply made a secret deal with the rest of the European elite? I would love to think it is the first case. Does the award represents an approval of the EU by the Norwegian elites?
Whatever the motives were for such a decision, they certainly managed to create some controversy. While people in Greece and Spain are out on the streets protesting and being abused by the police, the EU receives a Peace Prize. Not to mention that it is one of the few times that this award is nominated to a person and not an organization. Perhaps we are seeing changing trends by the Nobel Committee, or they simply ran out of people to give the award, given the fact that in a large part of the planet there is a rise of hostility.
The decision is definitely political. But as the European Parliament's President Mr. Martin Schulz mentioned, does that decision mean that our elites decided that "more Europe" (aka a European federation of some sort) is needed and what will this mean of us? What kind of Europe are they trying to create and will Norway be a part of it? It all remains to be seen.
In my opinion the Nobel Prize is justified and something that should have happened long time ago. Europe is indeed transformed for the better because of the EU and many people benefit from many EU funded programs. Europe will never go back to what it was before, a war torn continent because our economies are so intertwined now, that going to war would be something unthinkable! Because you would be hurting your own economy too, if you tried to harm another country.
Nevertheless I also think that the timing was very bad. If they awarded the Prize after 2004, when Europe united after 5 decades of being cut in half by the Iron Curtain it would be more appropriate. The re-unification of the Continent was a reason to present the EU with the Nobel Prize. But now, if we look at what is happening across Europe it simply looks daft!
There is a social uprising almost in every country and people are angry, especially in the countries worst affected by the recession. How you justify the award, when you are in their eyes the cause of so much poverty, inequality and injustice. When it is you who impose the austerity on them and you force them to not have enough to provide for their children. When you force many jobs to close in their countries and leave them without jobs and with an uncertain future? What prize can make you look better in their eyes?
Is it just a PR move from the European elites? Are they trying to promote this way the European project to their citizens? Well this is the stupidest way of doing it. Even though as a staunch "pro-European" I am delighted the the EU won eventually this award and it deserved it, it just does not make sense at this moment in time. If you want to promote the EU and the opportunities it offers or the achievements it has accomplished, do so by making the citizens' lives better and provide them with solutions to their problems.
Right now what we see is that the EU (apparently) creates more problems for them! It promotes more competition, open markets, it supports the Banks and their bailing out, it supports the Markets and the capitalist system! It takes away their social benefits and lowers their salaries in half. Now of course it is not the EU's fault that Europe is in crisis. The blame should be put mainly in the chronic wrong political and financial decisions that our national governments have followed. But when they need solutions, they always call the EU to come and clean their mess, thus scapegoating the EU for the problems and putting it in the front-line to find solutions.
Not that the EU has not a share of blame for this mess that we are in. It is proven that the EU officials knew about the state of many of Europe's economies, but they did nothing to change that. Could they I could ask, when Europe is being governed by the rich elites of each nation. And of course the rich elites of the richer nations have more say and power. The EU as it stands and operates at the moment in other words, represents the Aristocracy of this continent. Even though there are many great EU projects, programs, initiatives and institutions, they are all being undermined by our national governments that though are signing up for them, they never bother to implement them fully.
In other words, though the EU is giving many opportunities to the citizens, they are being hijacked by the ruling elites of each country and being used for their benefit. Is it any wonder for example that in my native country Greece, there was literally no information about our EU rights as EU citizens for the public? We joined the EU in 1981 and it was only after I moved to Ireland 8 years ago that I saw for the first time a program in our national television, discussing and explaining our EU rights to us. Why doesn't our government inform us about our rights as EU citizens? Is it perhaps because they want to safeguard those benefits and use them for their own benefit, when they want to present them as their idea or for their supporters only?
Generally I put the blame for the situation mostly on the Greek political, financial and industrial elite, then of course on the elites of our European "partners" like those of Germany, France, Holland, Finland, Austria, Britain and so on. They want their interests secured and served, so our elites simply oblige them by doing whatever they ask. Just see how Germany's Chancellor Mrs. Merkel has taken the lead of Europe and advices us all how to run our economies. Who gave her this privilege and right?
So the EU, that is run by our political elites, simply follows our elites' guidelines. But it is the EU that takes the blame for the mess, never our national governments. If the Greek politicians had any backbone, and if the politicians of some rich countries in Europe were not as greedy, we the citizens would not be the ones who would pay the price. But trying to award the EU with a prize now, simply resembles with a slap in the face to most of us! What is the point? We need to see actions and solutions to reinstall support and confidence in the European project and no award can do that.
I would happily love to see the award being given if and when the EU solved the crisis in Europe and made the lives of the citizens easier. Certainly not now! And it is funny to see that the award is actually coming from Norway, a country that chose to stay out of the club. Is this a sign of a possible Norwegian membership renegotiation, or have they simply made a secret deal with the rest of the European elite? I would love to think it is the first case. Does the award represents an approval of the EU by the Norwegian elites?
Whatever the motives were for such a decision, they certainly managed to create some controversy. While people in Greece and Spain are out on the streets protesting and being abused by the police, the EU receives a Peace Prize. Not to mention that it is one of the few times that this award is nominated to a person and not an organization. Perhaps we are seeing changing trends by the Nobel Committee, or they simply ran out of people to give the award, given the fact that in a large part of the planet there is a rise of hostility.
The decision is definitely political. But as the European Parliament's President Mr. Martin Schulz mentioned, does that decision mean that our elites decided that "more Europe" (aka a European federation of some sort) is needed and what will this mean of us? What kind of Europe are they trying to create and will Norway be a part of it? It all remains to be seen.
SOS for the Erasmus program!!
Recently it came to my attention that the EU's Erasmus program, available for all EU students is running out of funds and is in danger. The program is named after the Dutch philosopher Desiderius Erasmus, who lived and worked in many places in Europe to expand his knowledge and gain new insights. At the same time, ERASMUS stands for European Community Action Scheme for the Mobility of University Students. (source Wikipedia).
Currently we read in the EU Commission website: "The European Commission is keeping in regular touch with the National Agencies to try to minimize the impact of the current shortage. In the meantime, the European Commission is working with the Budgetary Authority (the European Parliament and national Governments) to make sure it recognizes the importance of the Erasmus program and rapidly agrees to additional funding for this highly valuable and popular European student mobility program." (
They advise the public that they are doing whatever they can to safeguard the continuation of this project and they encourage the students to keep applying for it.
Well I really hope that they do not abandon this great project and allow any fund cuts to be passed on to it. In my opinion it is one of the greatest achievements that this continent managed to achieve, after the creation of the EU itself of course. And it is not just good for education or accumulation of knowledge, or even to have some fun while studying in another country.
To me the Erasmus program is a great opportunity to create more "Newropeans" in our continent, young people with a more broad knowledge and conscience. With a more "European" mind frame. For many of the students this opportunity is perhaps the first or the only one they could get to travel and live abroad. And as with Erasmus himself, that gives them an opportunity to gain new insights and knowledge first of all, but mainly to come in contact with many other students from all over Europe. Exchange ideas, knowledge, get in touch with other cultures. Perhaps learn a new language and a new way of life.
By living in another country you get to know how the people of this country live and think. And by living together with many other students from other European nations you automatically become a cosmopolitan person. You stop having a narrow, national only and perhaps conservative way of thinking and of course you take all the experience you gain back in your own country. And if we really want to create a European community and a multicultural society, that is the best tool and way of doing it.
What better way to give this opportunity to our young generations, to be not more cosmopolitan, educated, experienced, multilingual and progressive, but also have a love for Europe as whole. If we are going to change our continent we need to start from the young generation and invest in them, they are the future. They hold the key for a new kind of society in our continent. We need to give them the tools and the stimulus to be this new generation of Europeans.
So why are we giving all our tax money to the Banks, and wasting our resources in maintaining the current economic and political status quo? While we should be investing in our young people and provide them with all the tools necessary for a new Europe. Why are we bowing to the orders of the Banks and the Markets, giving more money and power to the rich elites, while it is our youth who need our attention and they are by far a better investment for the future?
Because with an educated, creative, experienced, multilingual and with a more European frame of mind or open minded future workforce, we have a chance to gain an advantage against our competitors form other regions. That is how you conquer the global markets, not by bailing out your banks! We do not want to live in a Banker's world. We want to provide our youth the tools to spread their wings and fly, and with them, Europe will fly too!
Currently we read in the EU Commission website: "The European Commission is keeping in regular touch with the National Agencies to try to minimize the impact of the current shortage. In the meantime, the European Commission is working with the Budgetary Authority (the European Parliament and national Governments) to make sure it recognizes the importance of the Erasmus program and rapidly agrees to additional funding for this highly valuable and popular European student mobility program." (
They advise the public that they are doing whatever they can to safeguard the continuation of this project and they encourage the students to keep applying for it.
Well I really hope that they do not abandon this great project and allow any fund cuts to be passed on to it. In my opinion it is one of the greatest achievements that this continent managed to achieve, after the creation of the EU itself of course. And it is not just good for education or accumulation of knowledge, or even to have some fun while studying in another country.
To me the Erasmus program is a great opportunity to create more "Newropeans" in our continent, young people with a more broad knowledge and conscience. With a more "European" mind frame. For many of the students this opportunity is perhaps the first or the only one they could get to travel and live abroad. And as with Erasmus himself, that gives them an opportunity to gain new insights and knowledge first of all, but mainly to come in contact with many other students from all over Europe. Exchange ideas, knowledge, get in touch with other cultures. Perhaps learn a new language and a new way of life.
By living in another country you get to know how the people of this country live and think. And by living together with many other students from other European nations you automatically become a cosmopolitan person. You stop having a narrow, national only and perhaps conservative way of thinking and of course you take all the experience you gain back in your own country. And if we really want to create a European community and a multicultural society, that is the best tool and way of doing it.
What better way to give this opportunity to our young generations, to be not more cosmopolitan, educated, experienced, multilingual and progressive, but also have a love for Europe as whole. If we are going to change our continent we need to start from the young generation and invest in them, they are the future. They hold the key for a new kind of society in our continent. We need to give them the tools and the stimulus to be this new generation of Europeans.
So why are we giving all our tax money to the Banks, and wasting our resources in maintaining the current economic and political status quo? While we should be investing in our young people and provide them with all the tools necessary for a new Europe. Why are we bowing to the orders of the Banks and the Markets, giving more money and power to the rich elites, while it is our youth who need our attention and they are by far a better investment for the future?
Because with an educated, creative, experienced, multilingual and with a more European frame of mind or open minded future workforce, we have a chance to gain an advantage against our competitors form other regions. That is how you conquer the global markets, not by bailing out your banks! We do not want to live in a Banker's world. We want to provide our youth the tools to spread their wings and fly, and with them, Europe will fly too!
Friday, October 12, 2012
Where is Europe going wrong on Greece?
After five years in recession and a massively shrinking economy, protests, social arrest, massive wage cuts, social benefits cuts, tax increase and massive unemployment, Greece is nowhere near the end of the tunnel.
With all the billions that the EU and the IMF are pouring into the country, surely we should have had some results by now. Why isn't this austerity plan working, apart in the imagination of Europe's ruling elites?
Is it only Greece's fault, or has Europe got it wrong altogether? Europe's leaders talk about the necessary growth needed to kick-start Greece's and Europe's economy, but until now it has remained only on papers.
Great plans have been announced but we have seen no actions for their implementation so far. "Greece must stick to the plan," many European officials and politicians state. But the only thing they are asking is never ending austerity policies. The Greek public obviously can not take it anymore.
They bring as example Bulgaria and other Eastern European countries, that had to go through such measures in the past. But most of them are still suffering from the effects of austerity. Salaries are still low in Bulgaria and recession still harms the economies of Hungary and Romania.
Greece is forced to take massive loans, that will have to repay with great interest. It is undeniable that Greece had a corrupt governing elite that brought the country to its knees. But European officials did not do anything about it, before the Greek and the European economy reached a crisis.
They knew about the state of the Greek and other European economies since the introduction of the euro. Also it is not just Greece that has accumulated huge debt, something that the capitalist system requires. In fact all European nations are heavily indebted.
Instead of investing in the Greek economy and save it by stimulating growth, they are forcing more debt on the Greek people. An increasing number of bail-outs mean more debt that Greece will never be able to repay and of course more austerity and lowering of the living standards of the Greeks.
The country needs growth and investments not more debt, especially when this debt is to save the German and French shares in our banking system. In that way, money of German and other rich European citizens go to the hands of the German and other European bankers', through Greece in the form of a bail out. Yet it is the Greeks that must repay these loans.
We need Greek companies to be allowed to flourish and develop with EU funds, cooperation and partnership of other companies from all over Europe. Instead of that European and other multinational companies come and buy everything at low cost, leaving very little profits for Greece and its people. This is a mass privatization and sell out of every national asset, while there is no plan to make Greece a more competitive economy.
If Greece was to become more competitive, our taxation system should be the first to be reformed and ease the restrictions when starting up a business. Instead of that taxation was raised and a large number of the Greek SMEs was forced to close. None of the reforms were growth, small business or people oriented, rather they clearly favor the big multinational companies and the banks.
Many European politicians stated that since political pressure for reforms in Greece failed, Europe needed the pressure of the Markets to push for reforms in the country. They claimed that if Europe allowed such development investments in Greece now, nothing would change, no structural reforms would take place. There would be more spending and thus we would be in a similar situation a few years down.
I agree that Greece needed reforms badly and it was about time for some of them to happen. But not in a way that the living standards of the Greek EU citizens became similar to those of a developing country. Nor turning the Greek public opinion against the EU and the European project, allowing nationalism and far right parties to enter the political scene of the country.This destabilizes the whole social coherence of Greece and it is dangerous. Similar events took place in Germany during the '30s.
The reforms should have started since we entered the EU, but they did not. The blame should fall equally on the Greek political elite and of course the European. Because every country forgets the reforming agenda after it joins. Instead they focus only on how to spend (or waste) EU funds in the case of smaller, poorer countries, or how to increase their influence and power in the case of the bigger and richer countries.
Besides, if there was any real pressure for reforms on the states by any EU body, the same rule could apply for the bigger richer nations and they wouldn't like that. Imagine Britain, France or Germany approving the EU to interfere with their internal affairs. If they do not want to be subject of closer EU inspection, then the smaller states avoid it too.
But this has as result the very slow implementation of EU law and policies on national level. Of course we can not forget the fact that even the rich EU countries are not always playing by the rules. Germany bended the euro-zone rules for its own interests and national policies in 2003.
All these harsh rules for Greece while belonging in the euro-zone with prices equal of those in Germany, France, Holland and other richer EU nations. The country has reached a point that its citizens have Polish salaries, Swedish taxes and German prices. How do this add up and how can anyone live under these conditions?
If Germany or any other European nation wanted to tell the Greeks what to do and how to do it, then they should have bothered to try to understand how everyday life is in Greece, what difficulties do the ordinary Greeks have to face on a daily basis, the country's economy, culture and way of thinking.
There are plenty of historical and political reasons why there is so much corruption and political idleness in the Greek state. The funny thing is that these reasons are actually partly due to decades of European involvement and meddling in Greece's internal affairs.
But today's dominant northern European/Anglo-Saxon realpolitik attitude in politics doesn't help in all the above. Easier said than done, when it is not the Germans that must go through 40-50% cuts of their salaries. It is the Greeks and other citizens of the "peripheral" nations that must step in and save the euro, while they are not the ones who benefited the most from it.
I understand the "much needed reforms" argument, but you can not turn all countries into Germany overnight. Besides that would mean becoming as industrial as Germany is and there is no plans for that. So where is all this austerity leading? If they gave us a clue, perhaps we would not protesting as much. Especially when in every crisis in Europe either political, ideological or economic, Greece was one of the countries that sacrificed the most.
All European nations must have equal rights and opportunities on prosperity and development. If they guarantee us that after the austerity period, Greece will become a true European economy then I am sure that the Greeks will reason, grin and bare the austerity. But the problem is that the European powers want a two tier continent, comprised by the core rich and the peripheral poor regions.
Then the problem is clearly one of inequality, national chauvinism and arrogance of the North/Western EU states. Until the rich European powers lose their colonial and imperial complexes Europe won't be fair or equal and that is the real root of the problem.
With all the billions that the EU and the IMF are pouring into the country, surely we should have had some results by now. Why isn't this austerity plan working, apart in the imagination of Europe's ruling elites?
Is it only Greece's fault, or has Europe got it wrong altogether? Europe's leaders talk about the necessary growth needed to kick-start Greece's and Europe's economy, but until now it has remained only on papers.
Great plans have been announced but we have seen no actions for their implementation so far. "Greece must stick to the plan," many European officials and politicians state. But the only thing they are asking is never ending austerity policies. The Greek public obviously can not take it anymore.
They bring as example Bulgaria and other Eastern European countries, that had to go through such measures in the past. But most of them are still suffering from the effects of austerity. Salaries are still low in Bulgaria and recession still harms the economies of Hungary and Romania.
Greece is forced to take massive loans, that will have to repay with great interest. It is undeniable that Greece had a corrupt governing elite that brought the country to its knees. But European officials did not do anything about it, before the Greek and the European economy reached a crisis.
They knew about the state of the Greek and other European economies since the introduction of the euro. Also it is not just Greece that has accumulated huge debt, something that the capitalist system requires. In fact all European nations are heavily indebted.
Instead of investing in the Greek economy and save it by stimulating growth, they are forcing more debt on the Greek people. An increasing number of bail-outs mean more debt that Greece will never be able to repay and of course more austerity and lowering of the living standards of the Greeks.
The country needs growth and investments not more debt, especially when this debt is to save the German and French shares in our banking system. In that way, money of German and other rich European citizens go to the hands of the German and other European bankers', through Greece in the form of a bail out. Yet it is the Greeks that must repay these loans.
We need Greek companies to be allowed to flourish and develop with EU funds, cooperation and partnership of other companies from all over Europe. Instead of that European and other multinational companies come and buy everything at low cost, leaving very little profits for Greece and its people. This is a mass privatization and sell out of every national asset, while there is no plan to make Greece a more competitive economy.
If Greece was to become more competitive, our taxation system should be the first to be reformed and ease the restrictions when starting up a business. Instead of that taxation was raised and a large number of the Greek SMEs was forced to close. None of the reforms were growth, small business or people oriented, rather they clearly favor the big multinational companies and the banks.
Many European politicians stated that since political pressure for reforms in Greece failed, Europe needed the pressure of the Markets to push for reforms in the country. They claimed that if Europe allowed such development investments in Greece now, nothing would change, no structural reforms would take place. There would be more spending and thus we would be in a similar situation a few years down.
I agree that Greece needed reforms badly and it was about time for some of them to happen. But not in a way that the living standards of the Greek EU citizens became similar to those of a developing country. Nor turning the Greek public opinion against the EU and the European project, allowing nationalism and far right parties to enter the political scene of the country.This destabilizes the whole social coherence of Greece and it is dangerous. Similar events took place in Germany during the '30s.
The reforms should have started since we entered the EU, but they did not. The blame should fall equally on the Greek political elite and of course the European. Because every country forgets the reforming agenda after it joins. Instead they focus only on how to spend (or waste) EU funds in the case of smaller, poorer countries, or how to increase their influence and power in the case of the bigger and richer countries.
Besides, if there was any real pressure for reforms on the states by any EU body, the same rule could apply for the bigger richer nations and they wouldn't like that. Imagine Britain, France or Germany approving the EU to interfere with their internal affairs. If they do not want to be subject of closer EU inspection, then the smaller states avoid it too.
But this has as result the very slow implementation of EU law and policies on national level. Of course we can not forget the fact that even the rich EU countries are not always playing by the rules. Germany bended the euro-zone rules for its own interests and national policies in 2003.
All these harsh rules for Greece while belonging in the euro-zone with prices equal of those in Germany, France, Holland and other richer EU nations. The country has reached a point that its citizens have Polish salaries, Swedish taxes and German prices. How do this add up and how can anyone live under these conditions?
If Germany or any other European nation wanted to tell the Greeks what to do and how to do it, then they should have bothered to try to understand how everyday life is in Greece, what difficulties do the ordinary Greeks have to face on a daily basis, the country's economy, culture and way of thinking.
There are plenty of historical and political reasons why there is so much corruption and political idleness in the Greek state. The funny thing is that these reasons are actually partly due to decades of European involvement and meddling in Greece's internal affairs.
But today's dominant northern European/Anglo-Saxon realpolitik attitude in politics doesn't help in all the above. Easier said than done, when it is not the Germans that must go through 40-50% cuts of their salaries. It is the Greeks and other citizens of the "peripheral" nations that must step in and save the euro, while they are not the ones who benefited the most from it.
I understand the "much needed reforms" argument, but you can not turn all countries into Germany overnight. Besides that would mean becoming as industrial as Germany is and there is no plans for that. So where is all this austerity leading? If they gave us a clue, perhaps we would not protesting as much. Especially when in every crisis in Europe either political, ideological or economic, Greece was one of the countries that sacrificed the most.
All European nations must have equal rights and opportunities on prosperity and development. If they guarantee us that after the austerity period, Greece will become a true European economy then I am sure that the Greeks will reason, grin and bare the austerity. But the problem is that the European powers want a two tier continent, comprised by the core rich and the peripheral poor regions.
Then the problem is clearly one of inequality, national chauvinism and arrogance of the North/Western EU states. Until the rich European powers lose their colonial and imperial complexes Europe won't be fair or equal and that is the real root of the problem.
Monday, October 8, 2012
Marriage equality? Why not?
In the recent years, a real revolutionary idea gains support all over Europe and other regions of our world: Marriage equality for all human beings, or more simply the debate for civil partnerships and gay marriages.
Until now, marriage was considered an institution that applied only between a man and a woman. That is what our religion and traditions taught us. On that belief we formed our societies and all moral laws to make them work and be coherent. So is it any wonder that any radical change in this institution, finds so many conservatives radically opposing it!
Well it is always one corrupt establishment that is staunchly against gay marriage and anything coming from the gay community: The Church. Especially the Catholic and the Orthodox Churches in Europe are the worse offenders. The Protestant Churches are more tolerant, that is why we see in those countries more progress and acceptance.
When the priests preach about "God's will" isn't it ironic that they think that love between two men or two women is shameful, punishable and unchristian, yet the rape of boys and abuse of many children in general committed by them, especially by the Catholic Church is something that they can commit and get away with it? For centuries the priests, monks and nuns of the Catholic Church were abusing and raping children all over Europe, Africa and Latin America. What a hypocrisy!
And all this because the Church is dominated by corrupt, narrow minded bigoted males. No gay man or woman will ever find peace and equality as long as these men are allowed to pour their bile and poison Christianity's true message, that is a message of love and tolerance.
And what about other regions of the world? In a recent article published in the Economist, we read about the unhappy marriages that many women in China suffer, simply because their husbands are gay. To hide their homosexuality they marry unsuspected women. But these marriages of course are loveless, sad unions. So both men and the women they marry fall victims of the society's outdated "morality." So there goes Asia's and other conservative countries' argument that homosexuality is a "western disease".
In many regions of Africa, Japan, India, and the Arab states, they boast that homosexuals simply do not exist in their countries and only western countries "suffer" from this disease. Well in the above mentioned article we see why. Unhappy marriages, unhappy lives, forced to live together with a person that you do not love or are attracted to. And what a pity for those women too. Cultures like these just create unhappy and unproductive people, easy to manipulate and guide; human robots.
Because human sexuality is highly linked with human creativity and freedom of thought. If you can express yourself freely sexually, then you can express yourself creatively in all other spheres of your life. Suppress the first and then you control all the other. That has been and is happening in Europe and the "West" in general as we speak.
And it is why the Christian Church like most oppressive religions like Islam, Judaism Catholicism and so on, the first thing they do is to suppress human sexuality, outcast homosexuality and even ban masturbation itself!! No wonder this world has so many messed up people. It is a crime against humanity, and if I could, I would sue any religion and its leaders that promotes such barbaric ideologies for crimes against humanity.
So many "straight" people do not reach their full potential because some of them are just breeders. Their only purpose in this world is to make children. And not only raise children, but make sure they baptize them as soon as possible and initiate them into a dogma or religion. "Multiply the flock of God!" As if they have no other use or grace. But then they simply remain in their animal status and never progress as human beings intellectually or spiritually, if their only use is to procreate and the only legacy they leave behind is their children.
You see, some people have only yin in them. Some others have only yang and they desperately are trying to find the opposite to feel whole and fulfilled. They can not exist unless they are in some union with the oposite sex only. Some people though have both yin and yang in them, so they do not need the opposite sex to feel fulfilled.
They only need another human being of any sex or orientation, that will be able to connect with them spiritually, emotionally, mentally and physically. Who would you value more; a wife beater husband, an alcoholic dad, a useless mother and bad wife, or a person with developed spirituality and intellect, no matter of what sex, age, color or sexuality he or she belongs!
Marriages should be among two human souls, not just two farm animals that procreate and produce more workers. I know I put it a bit bluntly, but that's what it is. Any two people who want to share their lives together, should be able to do so. We only find gay "marriages" weird and a threat because we are used to see only "straight" ones.
Besides, we do not discuss of having two men, one in a dress and one in a tuxedo in a church, having the exact same ceremony as a straight couple. Rather about a legal platform, that will give both gay and straight marriages the same and equal status.
To protect two lovers that live together for years from any legal action by the family of either party, in the case of one of them passes. Or in the case of any legal action of one party against the other in the case that the relationship ends.
Or give the same protection and rights in a case that one partner is a non-EU national, just as any straight person can have his/her rights protected when he/she marries an EU national. So in other words, marriage equality should be passed in a pan-European level and accepted, protected and promotes in all European states. There should be no divisions on this issue either.
And how about adoption? Well for the moment I do not favor such move as I believe it is too soon for a society to digest both the marriage and the adoption. Not that I believe that gay parents are any less competent in raising a child than a straight couple. If any alcoholic, drug user, violent criminal or a religious fanatic can have the right to have children, then why not a gay person?
I just think that it will take some time for our societies to fully accept a child that comes from a gay marriage. And for the child's best interests, I think that for the moment we should focus on pushing for marriage equality.
That of course should not exclude the case of one parent already having one or more children from a straight relationship, to have his/her gay partner able to adopt these children if their natural parent proves unwilling to contribute to their upbringing.
Or he/she is simply dead. Many women find themselves in gay relationships with other women after an abusive marriage to a man and in many cases they are already mothers. If their former husbands are unfitting or indifferent in the upbringing of their children, why can't the new gay partner of that mother adopt the children and provide for them?
Having said that, I find that many people in the gay community are not ready either for such progressive changes. They simply do not understand the concept of love, because nobody has taught them that during their lives. Many gay people are lost in obsessions, sexual addictions, fear, various complexes and a constant search to find themselves, to be able to commit to one person and only, or even worse have children.
I do not blame them. They have been systematically bullied, mocked, forced to live a double secret life and it is not wonder that they seem lost. But they will only recover and act as normal human beings, when the society stops discriminating against them, slander them and mock them in every chance they get.
It is simply what I have said above: the destructive influence of religion's indoctrination and fanatic dogmas against human sexuality for many centuries, that created empty shelled people, messed up, desperately in need in finding acceptance, love and a purpose. Many gay people live their lives as "normal" straight people, only to seek the occasional sexual experience in a public space to satisfy their needs.
Sex is what identifies them as homosexuals and for them it is usually something shameful and they try to hide it, never accepting it. Others feel that homosexuality is a "culture" and they identify themselves only through the gay community and certain bars, music artists, bands, occasions, events or programs. In other words they broke out of the ghetto bars or parks that gay people used to meet in secret to satisfy their sexual needs, only to create a new ghetto, this time in their own minds!
For me being gay is only a part of who one person is, not who she/he is. And I dream that one day, people will chose their partners not according to age, sex, sexual orientation, color, race, religion or ethnic background. Rather to what they see in the other person's soul and heart, according to compatibility, common traits, values, according to chemistry, attraction and the emotions that one evoke to another. Simply two souls embracing and loving each other, not two mammals that need to procreate.
Not that I am against marriage between members of the opposite sex. On the contrary I believe that finding a person that can be your other half and spend your life with, turning the "me" into "we" is the greatest achievement that one can achieve. The ultimate challenge and goal that any human being should strive to achieve, in order to grow as a spirit and entity.
But in some cases our other half is not necessarily what we would expect it to be, of the race, sex or age that we would expect. So why waste or limit so much potential? And remember, not too many decades ago, it was unthinkable for a person of one race to marry a member of another race! I hope soon one day we will end the taboo of sex and sexual orientation too.
Until now, marriage was considered an institution that applied only between a man and a woman. That is what our religion and traditions taught us. On that belief we formed our societies and all moral laws to make them work and be coherent. So is it any wonder that any radical change in this institution, finds so many conservatives radically opposing it!
Well it is always one corrupt establishment that is staunchly against gay marriage and anything coming from the gay community: The Church. Especially the Catholic and the Orthodox Churches in Europe are the worse offenders. The Protestant Churches are more tolerant, that is why we see in those countries more progress and acceptance.
When the priests preach about "God's will" isn't it ironic that they think that love between two men or two women is shameful, punishable and unchristian, yet the rape of boys and abuse of many children in general committed by them, especially by the Catholic Church is something that they can commit and get away with it? For centuries the priests, monks and nuns of the Catholic Church were abusing and raping children all over Europe, Africa and Latin America. What a hypocrisy!
And all this because the Church is dominated by corrupt, narrow minded bigoted males. No gay man or woman will ever find peace and equality as long as these men are allowed to pour their bile and poison Christianity's true message, that is a message of love and tolerance.
And what about other regions of the world? In a recent article published in the Economist, we read about the unhappy marriages that many women in China suffer, simply because their husbands are gay. To hide their homosexuality they marry unsuspected women. But these marriages of course are loveless, sad unions. So both men and the women they marry fall victims of the society's outdated "morality." So there goes Asia's and other conservative countries' argument that homosexuality is a "western disease".
In many regions of Africa, Japan, India, and the Arab states, they boast that homosexuals simply do not exist in their countries and only western countries "suffer" from this disease. Well in the above mentioned article we see why. Unhappy marriages, unhappy lives, forced to live together with a person that you do not love or are attracted to. And what a pity for those women too. Cultures like these just create unhappy and unproductive people, easy to manipulate and guide; human robots.
Because human sexuality is highly linked with human creativity and freedom of thought. If you can express yourself freely sexually, then you can express yourself creatively in all other spheres of your life. Suppress the first and then you control all the other. That has been and is happening in Europe and the "West" in general as we speak.
And it is why the Christian Church like most oppressive religions like Islam, Judaism Catholicism and so on, the first thing they do is to suppress human sexuality, outcast homosexuality and even ban masturbation itself!! No wonder this world has so many messed up people. It is a crime against humanity, and if I could, I would sue any religion and its leaders that promotes such barbaric ideologies for crimes against humanity.
So many "straight" people do not reach their full potential because some of them are just breeders. Their only purpose in this world is to make children. And not only raise children, but make sure they baptize them as soon as possible and initiate them into a dogma or religion. "Multiply the flock of God!" As if they have no other use or grace. But then they simply remain in their animal status and never progress as human beings intellectually or spiritually, if their only use is to procreate and the only legacy they leave behind is their children.
You see, some people have only yin in them. Some others have only yang and they desperately are trying to find the opposite to feel whole and fulfilled. They can not exist unless they are in some union with the oposite sex only. Some people though have both yin and yang in them, so they do not need the opposite sex to feel fulfilled.
They only need another human being of any sex or orientation, that will be able to connect with them spiritually, emotionally, mentally and physically. Who would you value more; a wife beater husband, an alcoholic dad, a useless mother and bad wife, or a person with developed spirituality and intellect, no matter of what sex, age, color or sexuality he or she belongs!
Marriages should be among two human souls, not just two farm animals that procreate and produce more workers. I know I put it a bit bluntly, but that's what it is. Any two people who want to share their lives together, should be able to do so. We only find gay "marriages" weird and a threat because we are used to see only "straight" ones.
Besides, we do not discuss of having two men, one in a dress and one in a tuxedo in a church, having the exact same ceremony as a straight couple. Rather about a legal platform, that will give both gay and straight marriages the same and equal status.
To protect two lovers that live together for years from any legal action by the family of either party, in the case of one of them passes. Or in the case of any legal action of one party against the other in the case that the relationship ends.
Or give the same protection and rights in a case that one partner is a non-EU national, just as any straight person can have his/her rights protected when he/she marries an EU national. So in other words, marriage equality should be passed in a pan-European level and accepted, protected and promotes in all European states. There should be no divisions on this issue either.
And how about adoption? Well for the moment I do not favor such move as I believe it is too soon for a society to digest both the marriage and the adoption. Not that I believe that gay parents are any less competent in raising a child than a straight couple. If any alcoholic, drug user, violent criminal or a religious fanatic can have the right to have children, then why not a gay person?
I just think that it will take some time for our societies to fully accept a child that comes from a gay marriage. And for the child's best interests, I think that for the moment we should focus on pushing for marriage equality.
That of course should not exclude the case of one parent already having one or more children from a straight relationship, to have his/her gay partner able to adopt these children if their natural parent proves unwilling to contribute to their upbringing.
Or he/she is simply dead. Many women find themselves in gay relationships with other women after an abusive marriage to a man and in many cases they are already mothers. If their former husbands are unfitting or indifferent in the upbringing of their children, why can't the new gay partner of that mother adopt the children and provide for them?
Having said that, I find that many people in the gay community are not ready either for such progressive changes. They simply do not understand the concept of love, because nobody has taught them that during their lives. Many gay people are lost in obsessions, sexual addictions, fear, various complexes and a constant search to find themselves, to be able to commit to one person and only, or even worse have children.
I do not blame them. They have been systematically bullied, mocked, forced to live a double secret life and it is not wonder that they seem lost. But they will only recover and act as normal human beings, when the society stops discriminating against them, slander them and mock them in every chance they get.
It is simply what I have said above: the destructive influence of religion's indoctrination and fanatic dogmas against human sexuality for many centuries, that created empty shelled people, messed up, desperately in need in finding acceptance, love and a purpose. Many gay people live their lives as "normal" straight people, only to seek the occasional sexual experience in a public space to satisfy their needs.
Sex is what identifies them as homosexuals and for them it is usually something shameful and they try to hide it, never accepting it. Others feel that homosexuality is a "culture" and they identify themselves only through the gay community and certain bars, music artists, bands, occasions, events or programs. In other words they broke out of the ghetto bars or parks that gay people used to meet in secret to satisfy their sexual needs, only to create a new ghetto, this time in their own minds!
For me being gay is only a part of who one person is, not who she/he is. And I dream that one day, people will chose their partners not according to age, sex, sexual orientation, color, race, religion or ethnic background. Rather to what they see in the other person's soul and heart, according to compatibility, common traits, values, according to chemistry, attraction and the emotions that one evoke to another. Simply two souls embracing and loving each other, not two mammals that need to procreate.
Not that I am against marriage between members of the opposite sex. On the contrary I believe that finding a person that can be your other half and spend your life with, turning the "me" into "we" is the greatest achievement that one can achieve. The ultimate challenge and goal that any human being should strive to achieve, in order to grow as a spirit and entity.
But in some cases our other half is not necessarily what we would expect it to be, of the race, sex or age that we would expect. So why waste or limit so much potential? And remember, not too many decades ago, it was unthinkable for a person of one race to marry a member of another race! I hope soon one day we will end the taboo of sex and sexual orientation too.
Should Catalonia and Scotland become independent?
On September 11th, 2012, a march in favor of self-determination was held in Catalonia, with city police estimating that up to 1.5 million people took part. And this comes not long after the announcement that Scotland will have a referendum in 2014 regarding its independence from the United Kingdom! How will Europe look like in the future and what new challenges await us all with the new change of the continent's borders?
If those two countries (or regions) achieve their goal of independence, then how many more in Europe are likely to follow suit? Wallonia, Sardinia, Corsica, Wales and perhaps many more regions will bid for independence. Are we prepared for this new reality, and what impact will all this have in our continent's future politics and economy?
Personally I am split between supporting the will and the wishes of the people of those regions and being a bit more cautious on the impact that this will have in an already troublesome European economy. I am just not sure that now is the time for such moves; in fact sadly, I believe that it is time for more unity.
Part of me thinks: what is the point of having too many new states in Europe, since we are working for European integration? A more federal Spain, United Kingdom or any other state that faces the same issues, perhaps would be a better solution. Give them more freedoms for self governance. Because I am sure when they gain their independence from Spain, they will rejoin the EU as Catalonia or Scotland. Thus still have no borders between them and still not being totally independent from them.
One of the main arguments the separatists put forward to support their bid, is that Catalonia contributes 20% of Spain’s GDP but only receive back 14%. But that is true for any country! Is it all about money again? I was talking to a Finnish lady once, and she told me that the South Finland contributes and sustains the Northern part of the country that has very few natural resources. The Helsinki region in fact supports the north! “We send them bucket-loads of money” she said, when we compared Finland and Europe as money transfers from region to region is concerned!
She supported the idea that poorer regions in Europe should get money from richer regions of Europe, as in Finland, the south supports the north! That would be true for most countries. In Greece we have the same problem, in Italy too. Should we start breaking up all countries up? Shall we make a regional Europe, with many small regions being autonomous, while all be governed by one entity in Brussels? And if we achieve that, how easy will it be with so many smaller but more numerous voices in EU to reach to an agreement? We are having troubles now as it is!
Why don’t we create federations within a greater federation, so while Catalonia, Scotland, Corsica, Sardinia, Walloon and any other regions that wish to have more independence, remain in a more federal state formation, they will be governed in local-national, state-federal and European level? They will have their own government and parliament that will cooperate, answer and send their representatives to the Spanish one and the Spanish will do the same in its relations with the European one.
Of course that is only when the economy is concerned. There are many other issues involved, like protecting the Catalan language, culture and heritage. According to many Catalans, new laws appear from Madrid everyday that take more and more control of Catalan culture and language.
So perhaps the change must come on a Spanish front, not just Catalonia? If the loss of language and identity is being promoted by Madrid then we are talking about potentially a full Spanish state dissolution if the Basques, the Galicians and others follow the example of Catalonia. Perhaps with the encouragement of the EU, Spain should promote more diversity of its culture and heritage. Follow the European motto: Unity in diversity!!
And of course we should be careful on how this dissolution will take place: the Yugoslavian way or the Czechoslovakian way? In most ex-Yugoslavian states, there are still supporters of Tito that remember the Yugoslavian days with a sense of longing. And they all now aspire to become EU members, thus giving up their short lived independence too soon.
Is now the best time to promote dissolution of states in Europe? How will the global markets and economy react and will this shake their confidence on the Spanish region and the euro? Possibly the Spanish region as a whole will find itself in the eye of new a storm, affecting all regions of the former Spanish state. Will such a solution be wise now, and what impact will it have in the overall Iberian and European economy? If Spain dissolves as a country, will this be the solution to the country's economic woes, or the creation of more and will the global investors be happy to invest in new emerging regions?
Perhaps this is what the global players want. To end the existence of old established European states, thus getting rid of the rigidity of the established European elites and their conservatism. So they promote, support and perhaps even fund this new surge of independence bids across Europe. Probably this is good. We need new voices and a fresh air in European politics.
But could it be possible to give the regions their autonomy in a Europe of regions? It is possible that what we need right now is a Europe of regions with their own culture, identity and governance under the umbrella of a European economic and political framework. But that means a redrawing not so much of the borders, rather the institutions and legislative powers that govern Europe so far. Are we ready for this? Should we perhaps focus on establishing a fully functioning European democracy and governance, before we move to the dissolution of the existing European states? Perhaps such moves come a bit prematurely.
Are we ready as Europeans to accept this new reality and start thinking as citizens of a region, rather a nation state? I do not wish to block any attempts for independence from any populace of Europe. Because if that was the case, then Ireland, the country I live in or Greece, the country I come from, should have never gained independence from their former colonial powers. Nevertheless, Ireland is still highly reliant in the United Kingdom or the USA economically and culturally and Greece still struggles economically as a county, relying in a great extend on Europe.
There are many reasons of course for this, that lay on the interests of people both in those countries, Europe and further abroad. But perhaps the Catalonians should be careful not to rush in any decisions and become reliant to any foreign country, group or organization, in their struggle to gain independence from Spain. What good does it make to have many small fragmented states in Europe, that are easier to manipulate? Are the Catalonians rushing to jump from the pan into the pot? Will they become what have FYROM and Montenegro become in their struggle to attract foreign investment and support, to fund their existence; another potential tax haven for big corporations!
I will respect the outcome of both referendums in Catalonia and Scotland of course and I will support the wish of the majority of the population of those nations. But I also wish that they will decide responsibly and not because a passing surge of nationalism!!
If those two countries (or regions) achieve their goal of independence, then how many more in Europe are likely to follow suit? Wallonia, Sardinia, Corsica, Wales and perhaps many more regions will bid for independence. Are we prepared for this new reality, and what impact will all this have in our continent's future politics and economy?
Personally I am split between supporting the will and the wishes of the people of those regions and being a bit more cautious on the impact that this will have in an already troublesome European economy. I am just not sure that now is the time for such moves; in fact sadly, I believe that it is time for more unity.
Part of me thinks: what is the point of having too many new states in Europe, since we are working for European integration? A more federal Spain, United Kingdom or any other state that faces the same issues, perhaps would be a better solution. Give them more freedoms for self governance. Because I am sure when they gain their independence from Spain, they will rejoin the EU as Catalonia or Scotland. Thus still have no borders between them and still not being totally independent from them.
One of the main arguments the separatists put forward to support their bid, is that Catalonia contributes 20% of Spain’s GDP but only receive back 14%. But that is true for any country! Is it all about money again? I was talking to a Finnish lady once, and she told me that the South Finland contributes and sustains the Northern part of the country that has very few natural resources. The Helsinki region in fact supports the north! “We send them bucket-loads of money” she said, when we compared Finland and Europe as money transfers from region to region is concerned!
She supported the idea that poorer regions in Europe should get money from richer regions of Europe, as in Finland, the south supports the north! That would be true for most countries. In Greece we have the same problem, in Italy too. Should we start breaking up all countries up? Shall we make a regional Europe, with many small regions being autonomous, while all be governed by one entity in Brussels? And if we achieve that, how easy will it be with so many smaller but more numerous voices in EU to reach to an agreement? We are having troubles now as it is!
Why don’t we create federations within a greater federation, so while Catalonia, Scotland, Corsica, Sardinia, Walloon and any other regions that wish to have more independence, remain in a more federal state formation, they will be governed in local-national, state-federal and European level? They will have their own government and parliament that will cooperate, answer and send their representatives to the Spanish one and the Spanish will do the same in its relations with the European one.
Of course that is only when the economy is concerned. There are many other issues involved, like protecting the Catalan language, culture and heritage. According to many Catalans, new laws appear from Madrid everyday that take more and more control of Catalan culture and language.
So perhaps the change must come on a Spanish front, not just Catalonia? If the loss of language and identity is being promoted by Madrid then we are talking about potentially a full Spanish state dissolution if the Basques, the Galicians and others follow the example of Catalonia. Perhaps with the encouragement of the EU, Spain should promote more diversity of its culture and heritage. Follow the European motto: Unity in diversity!!
And of course we should be careful on how this dissolution will take place: the Yugoslavian way or the Czechoslovakian way? In most ex-Yugoslavian states, there are still supporters of Tito that remember the Yugoslavian days with a sense of longing. And they all now aspire to become EU members, thus giving up their short lived independence too soon.
Is now the best time to promote dissolution of states in Europe? How will the global markets and economy react and will this shake their confidence on the Spanish region and the euro? Possibly the Spanish region as a whole will find itself in the eye of new a storm, affecting all regions of the former Spanish state. Will such a solution be wise now, and what impact will it have in the overall Iberian and European economy? If Spain dissolves as a country, will this be the solution to the country's economic woes, or the creation of more and will the global investors be happy to invest in new emerging regions?
Perhaps this is what the global players want. To end the existence of old established European states, thus getting rid of the rigidity of the established European elites and their conservatism. So they promote, support and perhaps even fund this new surge of independence bids across Europe. Probably this is good. We need new voices and a fresh air in European politics.
But could it be possible to give the regions their autonomy in a Europe of regions? It is possible that what we need right now is a Europe of regions with their own culture, identity and governance under the umbrella of a European economic and political framework. But that means a redrawing not so much of the borders, rather the institutions and legislative powers that govern Europe so far. Are we ready for this? Should we perhaps focus on establishing a fully functioning European democracy and governance, before we move to the dissolution of the existing European states? Perhaps such moves come a bit prematurely.
Are we ready as Europeans to accept this new reality and start thinking as citizens of a region, rather a nation state? I do not wish to block any attempts for independence from any populace of Europe. Because if that was the case, then Ireland, the country I live in or Greece, the country I come from, should have never gained independence from their former colonial powers. Nevertheless, Ireland is still highly reliant in the United Kingdom or the USA economically and culturally and Greece still struggles economically as a county, relying in a great extend on Europe.
There are many reasons of course for this, that lay on the interests of people both in those countries, Europe and further abroad. But perhaps the Catalonians should be careful not to rush in any decisions and become reliant to any foreign country, group or organization, in their struggle to gain independence from Spain. What good does it make to have many small fragmented states in Europe, that are easier to manipulate? Are the Catalonians rushing to jump from the pan into the pot? Will they become what have FYROM and Montenegro become in their struggle to attract foreign investment and support, to fund their existence; another potential tax haven for big corporations!
I will respect the outcome of both referendums in Catalonia and Scotland of course and I will support the wish of the majority of the population of those nations. But I also wish that they will decide responsibly and not because a passing surge of nationalism!!
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