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Monday, June 14, 2021

Europe needs a reality check on immigration... and everything!

There have been questions surrounding the morality of Greece’s use of sound cannons (long range acoustic devices- LRADs) against migrants recently at Greece’s border with Turkey, which have been brought up both by the EU and by various rights groups.

“This is an odd way to protect your borders. This is nothing that has been funded by the European Commission. And I do hope that this is in line with fundamental rights – but that of course has to be clarified,” EU Commissioner for Home Affairs Ylva Johansson said of the issue, in a Brussels meeting with the Greek Minister of Migration and Asylum, Notis Mitarakis.

So, let me get this straight. The EU, many of Greece's partners and numerous Western NGOs (the legality of some of the latter is questionable, as their legitimacy to dictate a sovereign state what to do with its own borders and affairs), are concerned about Greece's efforts to protect its own borders. The same Europe that is not willing to help Greece and tackle this "crisis", which has been going on since 2015. That is 6 years already, and all the EU is doing, is handing out cash to maintain the overcrowded refugee camps in Greece.

The same Europe that refuses to agree and take in more refugees from Greece, equally distributing them among its member states. The same Europe with infantile foreign policy and influence in the world, so that it cannot effectively lobby and convince its partners and allied nations, to take in more refugees. This is not Greece's only problem, nor Turkeys, or Europe's, but a global one. So why there isn't there an appropriate response?

This is the same Europe, that insists on keeping Switzerland in the Schengen Agreement, although this country is repeatingly causing problems with the freedom of movement of EU citizens, an agreement which it was keen to sign, until the EU started expanding to the East. If the block decides to go ahead with the accession of more countries, will Switzerland vote in favor in the next referendum on the expansion of Schengen? This is the same Europe, that allows three of its member states (France, Denmark and the Netherlands) to unfairly keep blocking the accession in the free movement zone of another three members (Bulgaria, Croatia and Romania), in fear of the influx of migrants from these countries, or refugees passing through them.

This is the same Europe that has paid Turkey 3 billion euros since 2015, in order to convince the country to keep the refugees there, with a renewed promise of EU membership. Something of course that it knows that will never uphold, as it does really want Turkey as a member state. While perhaps it could spend the same amount, in facilitating the processing and distribution of these people, throughout Europe and its close partners.

The same Europe that allows Denmark to export the problem, since recently it passed a law enabling it to process asylum seekers outside Europe. The new bill will allow Denmark to move refugees from Danish soil to asylum centres in a partner country for case reviews and possibly their protection in that country. Rwanda is one of the concidered receiving nations. Denmark, one of the richest nations of the block, apparently finds it difficult to deal with the refugees in its own borders, while Greece, an indepted nation and one of the poorest, is expected by some to become Europe's dumping ground for the unwanted migrants and refugees.

This is the Europe that is too slow to abandon the unfair Dublin III Regulation. A creation of the '90s and the aftermath of the war in Yugoslavia and elsewhere, it stubbornly remained in place until today, although it has been slightly changed, with every new European country joining. It dictates that the first member state where finger prints are stored or an asylum claim is lodged, is responsible for a person's asylum claim. Basically turning the refugee crisis, a Greek, Maltese, Cypriot, Italian and Spanish problem, while the rich northern European nations, can wash their hands on the issue.

Thus the wealthy EU states, in many cases former colonial powers, while they are so keen to keep the humanitarian agenda part of EU's strategy, to satisfy their guilt complex of their own actions and racism of the past, they are unhappy that Greece which has been struggling with this issue for 6 years among other things (bailing out the German and French banks, Turkey's aggression, eurozone crisis etc) is doing what it can to protect Europe's borders.

But they are not unhappy that human beings are being used as a bargaining chip by Turkey, to blackmail the EU for more cash or an accession to the club. They are not botherd by the fact that many of these people are not actuall refugees, but economic migrants, seeking a better life in Europe. However to achieve their goal, they are falling victims of exploitation by smugglers that for a hefty payment, will try and assist the migrants to cross into Europe. And if things go wrong and people drown, so be it. The more Europe tolerates this kind of illegal immigration, the more it will keep happening. Once people from poor countries know that they can be successful in their pursue of their dream life in Europe, such practices will never stop.

"No human is illegal," claim many Western liberals, "let them all in". But "in" where, just in Greece, Spain and Italy? How do they see this unfolding, since in reality Europe has had enough and is clearly not willing to accept any more migrants. One of the main reasons that the UK has left the EU, was the immigration issue. Many Eastern/Central European states (Hungary, Poland, the Baltics etc), shamelessly refuse to assist and accomodate more refugees/migrants and Europe is struggling to keep the Far-Right from gaining (even more) power and getting elected as government in many of European states. I think that the European Liberals need a reality check on the situation, in order not to lose the plot entirely.

"We fight populism and fascism," many that have adopted this "ideology" claim, however they forget or fail to see that the "fascists" they are fighting, do not wear uniform and swastikas anymore. They are the ordinary people that are tired of the neo-liberal agenda that the EU and most European governments have adopted, they are their family members, colleagues and their friends, who lost their jobs in the process and take their frustration out on the migrants. Because when it is hard to make ends meet, when you struggle financially and your family, education and career prospects seem to be hard to accomplish, you really do not want to see billions spent, in keeping away, or allowing in and accomodating hundrends of thousands of citizens of poorer nations from far away.

While most of the West's progressives view them as "tin foil hat wearers", "populists" and uneducated, they forget one thing: they can vote, they have the right to do so in a functioning democracy. And when you ignore them, they will keep casting their ballots in favor of so called "populist parties".

Thus, the solution of "letting everybody in", to show a facade of humanitarianism and progressive mentality to the world, just to atone themselves for the attrocities that Europeans committed upon their fellow humans in the past, either on European soil in the numerous bloody wars, or one of their colonies, does not really make sense in the long term. You cannot force this view on the majority, and it is clear that Europe deep down is a conservative, nationalistic continent still. The EPP's (European People's Party) dominance in the European Parliament confirms that.

The bulk of Europeans, are attached and identify with their region or nation first, while fewer as European or citizens of the world. If we try to push for the "erosion" of their identity (as they see it) too fast and too far, soon the European project and dream itself will be in jeopardy, if the EU loses another member or the voters increasingly opt out for a Far-Right political party in a substantial number of EU member states. I for one, would not want to risk the reversal of the freedom of movement in our continent, just to satisfy the pretentious notion of humanitarian self righteousness of the European elites.

If they really need to solve the issue, they should seriously consider other options. In a discussion with a Tunisian migrant in Ireland in the past, he expressed his contempt towards Europeans. He asked me if I was a European myself before he expressed his opinion.I replied with a "yes" obviously, since Europe is part of my identity. However I hinted my sympathy for countries like his and that helped him to open up. He described how European and Western companies are settling in his country to exploit its resources, yet only Europeans can take high-paid jobs in them and the Tunisian locals, can only get those that pay less.

I agreed with him about the unfair way that globalisation is designed and operating. Europe and America are still dominating and exploiting the World's poorer nations, often burdening them with debt still deriving from the colonial era. As we have seen in the Greek treatment by Europe during the eurozone crisis, debt can also be passed from the banks, to the weakest economies of the Western world. America is the base of all major Financial Rating Agencies in the West, making of course the criteria for financial evaluation or a region or country, utterly biased. The AngloSaxon and Protestant ethos and mentality prevails and decides which country is being ranked better and favored, making it easier for nations with similar values with that of the US, to avail themselves favorable loan terms.

There is little doubt that European nations, are scrabbling for those terms from the US government or agencies. "Atlanticism", is the political ideology that many Europeans and Americans are adopting, to describe the unbreakable reliance and allegiance of Europe towards the US in just about everything: military, finance, politics and influence in the world. However, a toxic example of this "royalty," is the case of Denmark.

The country's secret service helped the US spy on European politicians including German Chancellor Angela Merkel from 2012 to 2014, Danish media revelaved recently. The Defence Intelligence Service (FE) collaborated with the US National Security Agency (NSA) to gather information, according to Danish public service broadcaster DR. Intelligence was allegedly collected on other officials from Germany, France, Sweden and Norway. One has to only wonder, what did the Danes got back in exchange: a blind eye for money laundering Russian dirty money into the West, via the Danske Bank scandal?Better treatment and image in the US and European media? Favorable ratings of their economy from the US based rating agencies perhaps? Or maybe being untouchable from the IMF and the Western loan sharks, or from any criticism for exporting and off-loading their refugee problem onto Africa?

If the US encourages unfair competition among EU member states, how much can we expect a true "union" among European countries, since its progress can always be controlled, manipulated and influenced by America? Furthermore, if the Americans are having this approach towards their "allies", imagine what they do to those who they stand in the way of the Atlanticists' world dominance.

There is a fairer world to be had, if Europe realized that it will be for its own benefit too. Why can't the West invest in poorer countries, rather have them hooked on aid? If we build factories in Bangladesh, do we really must pay the local workers just a few cents per hour as the labour market there requires, instead of a higher salary. It will still be profitable for Western companies, as they will pay them less comparing with European employees, but higher than the pennies which they receive right now. Hasn't the capitalist system had enough of human exploitation yet?

Could we source their educated youths and have them working in their own country, but in Western companies, with equal pay as the European and American counterparts, that move there to seek employment opportunities? Perhaps this will encourage them to stay back home, instead getting on a boat to reach European shores, with all the headache that brings for Europeans.

If we continue exploiting their natural resources for as little as possible, destabilize their countries with coups, civil wars in order to establish a favorable regime that will cooperate with the Atlanticists, then how do we really expect this "refugee crisis", or "humanitarian emergency" to ever end, since we are the ones causing it? Why the West must dominate and dictate everyone else on their affairs, and to so so, it creates and promotes this self image of righteousness and correctness on human rights that all must aspire to and follow, which clearly is a facade, or at least seriously flawed.

First you topple an unfavored "regime" in a country, then you establish a "democratic" one of your own preference, in order to have another puppet state and government, willing to grant you all the favors. Naturally, there will be a mess in the whole process, with thousands displaced or dead. Because often, that is what all these efforts to promote "democracy" across the world are about. A democratic regime is easier to manipulate, than an authoritarian. All you have to do is to get a hold of the nation's media, to brainwash the public opinion, then let the voters cast their ballot based on their misplaced, utterly confused opinion. We have seen in the case of Rupert Murdoch, how easy this is, if you got the money. And the West does.

Obviously we then sanction and condemn anyone like Russia and China, who are copying us and are doing exactly the same thing, in regions of their own interests. This world would be a better place, if all the aforementioned "powers", would stop competing they way they do, and realize that everyone would benefit if they started cooperating. The smaller states get crushed by their power games and personally, I do not give a damn about who wins this tug-of-war. As long I do not see the IMF ravaging countries, people having to pay the debt created by those gamblers in Wall Street, or human dignity being diminished in boats trying to cross the Mediterranean.

To conclude, not all is lost for the Atlanticists. Under the Biden Administration's leadership in the US, the G-7 group of nations have publicly endorsed a global minimum corporate tax of at least 15% last Friday, one piece of a broader agreement to update international tax laws for a globalized, digital economy. The leaders also announced a plan to replace Digital Services Taxes, which targeted the biggest American tech companies, with a new tax plan linked to the places where multinationals are actually doing business, rather than where they are headquartered. For the Biden administration, the Global Minimum Tax plan represents a concrete step towards its goal of creating what it calls a “foreign policy for the middle class.”

If this plan is endorsed and not sabotaged by European tax havens like Ireland and the Netherlands, it could be a step forward for a fairer world, or least the Western part of it. It remains to be seen if this "fairness" trickles down to all the globe, or the interests of a few spoiled and favored by the current system nations like Ireland, which could lose €2bn a year under the proposed reforms-a fifth of its corporate tax revenue, prevail.

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

FIN: my new gothic novel is published on Amazon!

Available on paperback or Kindle below! For Europe For the U.K. For Australia For Brazil For Mexico For Canada For Japan For India For Singapore For USA and the rest of the world

Summary: Doug Kelly is mentally and emotionally drained. Grieving and desperate, he accidentally overdoses in a cheap hotel room in Boston. As he lies on the bed, naked and slowly drying, he is visited by a dark entity that forces him to evaluate his time on earth.Together they pick over Doug’s life, and the dark entity slowly reveals the universe’s secrets, utterly altering Doug’s beliefs and outlook. Doug must come to terms with his mistakes, vices and his darkness. But above all, he must learn to let go of his pain and guilt.If Doug can shine a light on the many things that weigh down his conscience, will he be given a second chance at life, or is this painful process just atonement in preparation for the afterlife?

Saturday, March 13, 2021

Πότε θα ξεπεράσει η Ελλάδα την διχόνια του εμφυλίου?

Αποφάσισα να γράψω μετά από πολύ καιρό, ένα άρθρο στην μητρική μου, τα ελληνικά. Και δεν θα το γράψω με το γνωστό μου δημοσιογραφικό μου ύφος, αλλά στο στυλ που περνά στον μέσο Έλληνα, γραφικό και λαϊκιστικό. Και αυτό γιατί τις τελευταίες δύο εβδομάδες, η Ελλάδα και ο λαός της, έχει βαλθεί να μας τρελλάνει όλους με τις ανοησίες της.

Έγινα μάρτυρας του κάτι ανήκουστου, το να παρελάβνουν νεολαίες της αριστεράς υπέρ του Κουφοντίνα σε Αθήνα και Θεσσαλονίκη. Του Κουφοντίνα... Και να κρατάνε πανώ υπεράσπισής του, που να αναγράφει το υπέρτατο "Γεννήθηκα 17 Νοέμβρη". Που προφανώς είναι εμπνευσμένο από του βιβλίο του δολοφόνου, που όπως και ο Χίτλερ έγραψε μέσα στην μεγαλομανία του το "Ο Αγών" μου, για να δικαιολογήσει και να εξηγήσει τα φονικά που έκανε, έτσι και ο νέος "ήρωας" της αριστεράς ένιωσε πως έπρεπε να μάθουμε γιατί σκότωνε και έκλεβε ανθρώπους. Εμετός!!!

Πορείες για τα δικαιώματα όλων των πολιτών, το "κράτος δικαίου" και άλλες τέτοιες μπούρδες που ξεφούρνισαν τα αριστερά κομματόσκυλα στα νεαρά και ανώριμα μυαλά, έγιναν οι απαράδεκτες αιτιολογήσεις για αυτή την ύστατη πατατιά του Σύριζα και της αντιπολίτευσης. Γιατί ποτέ μου ώς δημοκράτης δεν θα μπορέσω να καταλάβω, το γιατί ένας καταδικασμένος δολοφόνος σε 11 φορές ισόβια κάθειρξη, πρέπει να έχει επιλογή σε ποια φυλακή θα εκτίσει την ποινή του ή όχι, και επειδή η προηγούμενη κυβέρνηση του Σύριζα το έδωσε το δικαίωμα να κόβει βολτούλες στην Αθήνα, ενώ τώρα η Νέα Δημοκρατία αναιρεί την απόφαση αυτή, ξαφνικά πρέπει η Ελλάδα να διχαστεί στο όνομα ενός τρομοκράτη.

Ποιό κράτος δικαίου και κουραφέξαλλα χρυσά μου, αυτή είναι καθαρά μια πολιτικοποιημένη απόφαση, που διογκώνει η Ελληνική αριστερά για να ρίξει τον Μητσοτάκη. Που έχει και αυτός ράματα για την γούνα του, αλλά αυτά θα τα πούμε παρακάτω. Είναι ντροπή για ένα δημοκρατικό έθνος, να ηρωοποιεί κάποιον που πολέμησε την δημοκρατία, και ενώ αυτός δίκασε, εκτέλεσε τα θύματα του αγνοώντας το "κράτος δικαίου" και τα δικαιώματα τους για μια δίκαιη δίκη, τώρα επικαλείται ότι στέρησε σε άλλους.

Και δεν υποφέρει και σε μια φυλακή όπως του Γκουαντάναμο ο Κουφοντινας, με συγχωρείτε. Έχει εκδόσει 3 βιβλία ώς τώρα με επιτυχία μάλιστα. Πείτε μου σε ποιο κράτος που θεωρείται μή δημοκρατικό, μπορεί ένας "πολιτικός κρατούμενος"- όπως αυτοαποκαλείται, που πολέμησε το κράτος και το κράτος δικαίου να εκδίδει ελεύθερα 3 επιτυχημένα βιβλία, εξιστορώντας τον αγώνα του ενάντια στο καθεστώς και το ίδιο το κράτος. Θα γινόταν αυτό σε Κίνα ή Ρωσία?

Αυτό και μόνο αποδυκνείει, άσχετα με το τί μπούρδες ξεστομίζουν μερικοί ακρο-αριστεροί, το ότι η Ελληνική δημοκρατία δεν είναι σαν αυτή που συχνά σας παρουσιάζουν. Αν αυτό δεν ισχύει, τότε η άλλη εκδοχή να είναι πως ο Κουφοντίνας που θέλουν να τον κάνουν ήρωα τώρα και αντι-καθεστωτικό, δεν είναι και τόσο αυτό που πλασσάρουν. Αν το κράτος ανέχεται τις απεργείες πείνας ώς μέσο εκβιασμού-γιατί αυτό είναι, και όλα τα άλλα τερτίπια του, τότε ίσως έχει διασυνδέσεις μέσα στην ίδια την κυβέρνηση και το πολιτικό καθεστώς της χώρας. Το γεγονός ότι η 17 Νοέμβρη εξαρθρώθηκε μόλις δύο χρόνια από τους Ολυμπιακούς αγώνες το 2004 ώς δια θαύματος, νομίζω χτυπάει καμπανάκι. Ξυπνάτε. Και εσείς θέλετε να τον κάνετε τον εγχώριο Τσε Γκεβάρα, και θα τον φοράτε σε μπλουζάκι t-shirt αύριο μεθαύριο, η θα πίνετε καφέ από κούπα με την μούρη του επάνω, νομίζοντας πως κάνετε αντίσταση στο κατεστημένο.

Αν νομίζει πως τα δικαιώματα του καταπατώνται, μπορει κάλλιστα να προσφύγει στην δικαιοσύνη. Το κράτος του έδωσε μια δίκαιη δίκη, κάτι που αυτός δεν πρόσφερε στα θύματά του, και έχει μια "ικανότατη" δικηγόρο, που μας έχει αφήσει άναυδους με άσειστα επιχειρήματα. Όπως αυτό που ισχυρίζεται που όποιος τον αποκαλεί δολοφόνο, τον προσβάλλει. Ε αφού έχει σκοτώσει 11 ανθρώπους χρυσή μου, πώς να τον αποκαλέσω, καντηλανάφτη? Και θα ήθελα να ξέρω αν αύριο ο Μιχαλολιάκος ή ο Ρουπακιάς κάνουν απεργία πείνας για τον άλφα ή βήτα λόγο, απαιτώντας από το κράτος διαφορετική μεταχείρηση επειδή έδειξαν καλή διαγωγή (αν θέλουμε πιστεύουμε τι διαγωγή έχουν όλοι τους μέσα στην φυλακή), εκεί θα σκίσουν τα καλσόν τους οι αριστεροί και θα τους ενοχλήσει το στριγκάκι, τρέχοντας σε πορείες για το "κρατος δικαίου" και σε υπεράσπιση τους? Έλεος λίγο.

Σαν να μην μας έφταναν όλα αυτά, έχουμε και τον Νόμο της Κεραμέως-Χρυσοχοϊδη που ενόχλησε, καθώς και τον ξυλοδαρμό νέου σε πλατεία της Νέας Σμύρνης από μονάδες των ΜΑΤ. Φυσικά όλα για τον προαναφερόμενο νόμο γίνονται αν δεν καταλάβατε. Γιατί μέχρι τώρα είχαν το πάνω χέρι μέσα στα ελληνικά πανεπιστήμια ορισμένοι, και με τον νέο νόμο ξεβρακώνονται και χάνουν το δικαίωμα να αλωνίζουν. Όχι πως ιδανικά η αστυνομία θα έπρεπε να έχει την οποιαδήποτε θέση μέσα στα πανεπιστήμια. Και ναι, όντως η νέα αυτή πραγματικότητα είναι προβληματική, και θα επιφέρει ίσως νέα προβλήματα στο μέλλον. Αλλα συγνώμη κιόλας, κάτι έπρεπε να γίνει με τα ελληνικά πανεπιστήμια.

Για πολλά χρόνια τα εκπαιδευτικά ιδρύματα της Ελλάδας δρούσαν ώς ιδρύματα εγκεφαλόπλισης της νεολαίας της χώρας. Σπουδαστές έμπαιναν στις σχολές, και αντί για κατάρτιση πολλές φορές ταλιμπανιζόνταν σε κόμματα και παρατάξεις, που αντιμάχονται με λύσσα το ένα το άλλο από την εποχή του εμφυλίου και του Πολυτεχνείου. Και συνεχίζουν με αυτήν την νοοτροπία, για το υπόλοιπο της ζωής τους. Οργανώσεις φοιτητο-συνδικαλιστών, δεν νοούν να καταλάβουν πως οι καιροί έχουν αλλάξει, και επιμένουν να κρατήσουν τα πανεπιστήμια όμηρους των ιδεολογιών τους. Γιατί αν δεν στρατολογήσουν νέα εγκεφαλοπλυμμένα, κομματοποιημένα στρατιωτάκια, ποιός θα είναι ο λόγος της ύπαρξης τους. Η ιδέα του απλώς να τελειώσουν τις σπουδές τους φυσικά, δεν τους έχει περάσει από το μυαλό. Όχι η Ελλάδα δεν χρειάζεται καταρτισμένους επιστήμονες, που να διαπρέπουν στα πανεπιστήμια της χώρας, αλλα θα πρέπει να φεύγουν στο εξωτερικό, να συνεισφέρουν σε άλλες χώρες τις γνώσεις που αποκόμισαν από το Ελληνικό κράτος.

Και ούτε λόγος για τα πανεπιστήμια της χώρας να γίνουν περισσότερο διεθνώς αναγνωρισμένα, αφού πρώτα φυσικά συμμαζευτούν, καθαριστούν, ώστε να ελκύσουν και περισσότερους ξένους φοιτητές. Μα είναι δωρεάν θα μου πείτε, γιατί το ελληνικό κράτος να πληρώνει για πολίτες άλλων χωρών για να σπουδάζουν στην χώρα μας? Και αν πληρώνουν? Αυτό δεν θα είναι ένα έξτρα εισόδημα για την χώρα? Στην Τσεχια παραδείγματος χάρην, υπάρχουν δωρεάν πανεπιστήμια, που προσφέρουν σπουδές στους ξένους χώρις χρέωση αν μπορούν να μιλούν την γλώσσα της χώρας, αλλιώς τους χρεώνουν 1000 ευρώ για το πρόγραμμα των σπουδών τους. Άλλα, χρεώνουν ξένους σπουδαστές ακριβότερα δίδακτρα.

Αν τα ελληνικά πανεπιστήμια θα πρέπει να εκμοντερνιστούν, να έχουν περισσότερους πόρους για έρευνα, αίθουσες και προγράμματα, το να προσελκύσουν ξένους σπουδαστές είναι η μόνη λύση. Οι Έλληνες πολίτες θα μπορούν να σπουδάζουν ακόμη δωρεάν, αλλά οι διεθνής σπουδαστές θα έχουν την δυνατότητα να καταβάλλουν ένα άλφα ποσό για τις σπουδές τους, συνεισφέροντας και στην οικονομία της χώρας, και στους πόρους του πανεπιστημίου, που για να πούμε την αλήθεια είναι αναγκαίοι. Δεν είναι τυχαίο πως τα περισσότερα μεγάλα Ευρωπαϊκά πανεπιστήμια έχουν μπει δυναμικά σε αυτήν την αγορά, και όσο περισσότερους ξένους σπουδαστές έχουν, τόσο και η οικονομία της χώρας ενισχύεται και η δυνατότητα των πανεπιστήμια να επενδύσουν σε επιστημονική έρευνα μεγαλώνει. Εμείς τα προτιμούμε να μοιάζουν με κομμουνιστικά γκούλαγκ κτίρια, ή μουτζουρωμένα με τον καημό του κάθε επίδοξου Γκεβάρα.

Γιατί στην Ελλάδα φυσικά είμαστε και υπεράνω χρημάτων, αλλά και διεθνών διακρίσεων και προσέλκυσης ξένων ταλέντων. Έτσι, γιατί τα πανεπιστήμια μας πρέπει να υποθάλπουν μια ζωή τους διάφορους δεξιούς ή αριστερούς "μπαχαλάκηδες", για να καταστρέφουν την περιουσία του Έλληνα φορολογούμενου, θαρρείς και είναι το πανεπιστήμιο δικό τους τσιφλίκι. Και η καγκουριά αυτών των ατόμων δεν σταματά μόνο μέσα στα πανεπιστήμια, αλλά συνεχίζει και έξω. Πόσες φορές δεν είδα τα "έργα" των ακρο-αριστερών οργανώσεων σε Αθήνα-Θεσσαλονίκη, που με κόκκινη μπογιά γράφουν τα "αντικαθεστωτικά" τους συνθήματα στο προαύλιο του Λευκού Πύργου, ή της Ακαδημίας των Αθηνών. Θαρρείς και έπεισαν ποτέ κάποιον με τις μπούρδες που γράφουν. Και γιατί ο Έλληνας φορολογούμενος θα πρέπει παντα να πληρώνει για να καθαρίζει ο δήμος την καγκουριά τους, η εγώ να βλέπω στο κάθε πάρκο συνθήματα συμπαράστασης στον κάθε μαλάκα αντικαθεστωτικό αναρχικό, που την έχει δει Τσε Γκεβαρα, που μια σφαλιάρα την θέλουν να στρώσουν χαρακτήρα μερικοί.

Και εδώ ερχόμαστε στο θέμα της βίας των ΜΑΤ, που συγκλόνισε την ελληνική γνώμη......Για ακόμα μια φορά. Μα καλά είστε ηλίθιοι? Τα ΜΑΤ δέρνουν κόσμο από την δεκαετία του ΄60, επί ΠΑΣΟΚ (του παλιού του ορθόδοξου), Νέας Δημοκρατίας, αλλά και του ίδιου του Σύριζα που πλάκωνε συνταξιούχους για τις περικοπές συντάξεων, και έριχνε δακρυγόνα κατά των συλλατηρίων για την Συμφωνία των Πρεσπών. Αλλά εκείνο φυσικά ήταν ξύλο αριστερόστροφο, σας το σβούριζαν από τα αριστερά το γκλομπ οπότε δεν πειράζει. Και φυσικά η βία των ΜΑΤ είναι απαράδεκτη και ένα θέμα που θα πρέπει να αντιμετωπιστεί. Και σαφώς η Ελληνική αστυνομία η ίδια, όπως και τα πανεπιστήμια, θα πρέπει να μεταρρυθμιστεί και οι υπεύθυνοι για την όποια βιαιότητα να τιμωρούνται. Αλλά το να ντύνεστε με τα χρώματα πολέμου, και να ξεσπάτε με "βία στην βία" των μπαχαλάκηδων, είναι όσο φασιστικό όσο τα ΜΑΤ τα ίδια. Το να κάνετε μερικοί μια ειρηνική διαδήλωση, πορεία ή και έναν συμβολικό αλλά ειρηνικό εγκλωβισμό ενός αστυνομικού τμήματος, ώς ένδειξη διαμαρτυρίας, δεν σας πέρασε από το μυαλό ποτέ, πρέπει να χάψετε την προπαγάνδα των μίντια και των αντικαθεστωτικών, και να βγείτε στους δρόμους υποστηριζοντας τον Κουφοντίνα, σπάζοντας, ριμάζοντας και λιντσάροντας αστυνομικούς... Ωραία δημοκρατία. Ώριμη.

Και σαφώς ο Έλληνας πολίτης έχει δικαίωμα στην διαδήλωση και την απεργία, αλλά δεν έχω δει μια στα τόσα χρόνια, για τον εκμοντερνισμό των πανεπιστημίων, ή κατά τις αγοράς τόσων οπλικών συστημάτων από το ΝΑΤΟ, σε βάρος της ελληνικής οικονομίας, παιδείας και υγείας. Μια πορεία για την εξυγείανση και εκμοντερνισμό του δημοσίου (όχι γιατί το θέλετε μπάχαλο για να βάζετε την χοντροκώλα κοράκλα σας με βίζμα), την ψηφιοποίηση των ελληνικών δημόσιων φορέων, την δημιουργία πάρκων, την μετατροπή πολλών αναξιοποίητων ιστορικών χώρων σε μουσεία ή χώρους αναψυχής (Ακρόπολη Θεσσαλονίκης, Ανάκτορο Τατοϊου), την δημιουργία νέων νοσοκομείων και χώρους εκπαίδευσης, την μετατροπή και εκμοντερνισμό της ελληνικής οικονομίας σε Ευρωπαϊκή. Όχι φυσικά γιατί να το κανετε κάτι τέτοιο, πορείες μόνο αν σας κόψουν συντάξεις και τα μισθά, ή σας παρακινήσουν αριστερές οργανώσεις.

Και θα επανέλθω και πάλι στον Νόμο της Κεραμέως-Χρυσοχοϊδη. Ιδανικά όχι, στα πανεπιστήμια δεν θα έπρεπε να υπάρχουν ΜΑΤ, ούτε καν αστυνομία. Αλλά δυστυχώς, για να αλλάξει η ελληνική εκπαίδευση και να ξεριζωθούν οι μπαχαλάκηδες από μέσα, δεν υπάρχει πρός το παρών άλλη λύση. Προσωρινά, είναι αναγκαίο κακό. Και όσο το γρηγορότερο αλλάξει η νοοτροπία που υπάρχει στο σύστημα εκπαίδευσης της χώρας, τόσο το συντομότερο θα μπορέσουμε να ξαναέχουμε πανεπιστήμια χωρίς εξτρεμιστικές φοιτητικές και πολιτικές οργανώσεις, και φυσικά χωρίς ΜΑΤ και αστυνόμευση. Γιατί δεν κάνουν μόνο κακό στα πανεπιστήμια αυτοί, αλλά και όταν βγούνε σαν πολίτες και ψηφοφόροι στην κοινωνία, συνεχίζουν με την μαλακία που τους δέρνει και έχουν μάθει στις φοιτητικές οργανώσεις, και ψηφίζουν ότι να'ναι.

Ο Έλληνας είναι πολύ ανώριμο πολιτικό όν, και έχει κολλήσει στον εμφύλιο και τον διχασμό που προκάλεσε. Και οι φοιτητικές οργανώσεις, συνεχίζουν και υποθάλπουν την νοοτροπία αυτή. Έχετε δει ένα σοβαρό πολιτικό διάλογο στην ελληνική τηλεόραση? Ένα εποικοδομητικό ντιμπεϊτ, που να καταλάβεις τι θελουν να πουν, και χωρίς να το γυρίζουμε και πάλι στο τι έκανε η δεξιά ή αριστερά στο παρελθόν. Ξεκολλάτε λέμε. Έχουμε εκπομπές με την κάθε θείτσα να πουλάει χαλιά και καδένες, τον κάθε "ασταδιαλα" "αναλυτή" του ελληνικού ποδοσφαίρου να βωμολοχεί, τον καθε γραφικό κεντρώο επίδοξο πολιτικό, ή τον ακροδεξιό, λαϊκιστή, χριστιανοταλιμπάν αρχαιολάτρη να προωθεί τις ανοησίες του (και γίνονται μετά και βουλευτές αυτοί, υπάρχουν άτομα που τους ψηφίζουν επειδή τους βλέπουν στην τηλεόραση), και κλαίγονται οι αριστεροί που δεν υπάρχει σοβαρή, δημοκρατική και αμερόληπτη ελληνική τηλεόραση.

Ε μα χρυσά μου, εσείς το κεφάλαιο επιμένετε ακόμα να το πολεμάτε με απεργίες πείνας, καταλήψεις, πορείες και μπάχαλο, τι στο διάολο κυβέρνηση ο Σύριζα έγινε, όλοι τα παιδιά σας τα σπουδάζετε εξωτερικό, λίγο χρήμα για να ιδρύσετε ένα κανάλι που να εκφράζει και τις δικές σας πολιτικές θέσεις δεν μπορείτε να διαθέσετε? Να γλιτώσουμε και εμείς κομματάκι απο τις πορείες σας για τους απεργούς πείνας. Να τα λέτε και εσείς εκεί, να ξεθυμαίνετε στον αέρα. Τι σας φταίει ο Αλαφούζος στην τελική, μπιζνεσμαν είναι και κάνει την δουλειά του, προωθώντας τα συμφέροντα του (και των δικών του) με τα χρήματα του. Κανετε και εσείς το ίδιο.

Έχω βαρεθεί το πολιτικό ξεκατίνισμα που περνάει ως αντιπολίτευση στην Ελλάδα. Όχι το "ζαβό" ο Τσίπρας, ο "Μπαρουφάκης" και τώρα έχουμε τον "Κούλη". Μια ζωή πολιτική χαμηλού επιπέδου, ισάξιου των "Παρατράγουδων" της Ανίτας Πάνια. Στην τελική αν εσείς ψηφίζετε ζαβά και κούληδες, τί λέει αυτό για το δικό σας νοητικό επίπεδο ως ψηφοφόροι? Σας πείραξε ο Τσίπρας, λυσσάξατε που δεν έσκισε τα μνημόνια όπως σας έταξε, που σαφώς σας είπε ψέματα γιατί ξέρει πόσο ηλίθιοι είστε και τα χάφτετε αυτά. Αφού οι προηγούμενοι πήγαν και υπέγραψαν και έκαναν συμφωνίες με τους "εταίρους", περιμένατε σοβαρά ο Τσίπρας να πάει με τσαμπουκά σε 27 αρχηγούς κρατών και να τους πεί "στα μούτρα σας δεν πληρώνω?"

Και είδαμε και τις ξιπασιές των κεντρο-δεξιών τότε, που απο μίσος κατά των "κομμουνιστών", αντί να υποστηρίζουν λίγο την κυβέρνηση που στην τελική εκλέχθηκε δημοκρατικά από την πλειοψηφία του ελληνικού λαού, πηγαιναν και δήλωναν "βάστα γερά Γερούν", για εκείνο το φαστιστίδιο καθίκι, τον Ολλανδό υπουργό οικονομικών. Δηλαδή λίγη τσίπα και εθνικό σεβασμό δεν έχουν μερικοί, γιατί απο κόμπλεξ θέλουν να το παίξουν προοδευτικοί "μενουμεευρωπάκηδες".. Εμείς που μένουμε Ευρώπη στην κυριολεξία, τέτοια έλληψη σεβασμού προς την χώρα μας και τα συμφέροντα της δεν την αποκτήσαμε.

Θυμώνει που λέτε το ελληνικό προλεταριάτο που και καλά προδώθηκε από τον Τσίπρα και δεν έσκισε τα μνημόνια, του θυμώνουν και οι δεξιοί γιατί "πούλησε" την Μακεδονία με την Συμφωνία των Πρεσπών (το γεγονός πως το όνομα στην ουσία "δώθηκε" επί των δεξιών της Νέας Δημοκρατίας και Σαμαρά-Μητσοτάκη, το ξεχνούν φυσικά) και τον κανουν "τζους" και βγάζουν Μητσοτάκη που είναι καράμπαμπαμ καθεστωτικός, για τιμωρία. Και τώρα τους πλακώνει όλους με τα ΜΑΤ και τσιρίζουν και διαμαρτύρονται για τον χειρότερο πρωθυπουργό της χώρας, κατι που έλεγαν και για τον Τσίπρα μέχρι να τον στείλουν. Όταν ψηφίζατε την δεξιά επειδή δεν σας έκανε τα χατίρια που σας έταξε ο "σύντροφος" όμως, περιμένατε κάτι άλλο? Η μήπως σας έπεισαν τα ξεκατινιάσματα των οπαδών της Νέας Δημοκρατίας, για το πουκάμισο του Βαρουφάκη, την γραβάτα του Τσίπρα και την εμφάνιση του Φίλη? Που βασικά γύρισαν μπούμερανγκ τώρα, γιατι όλοι ασχολούμαστε με την "υπερκομψη" Μάρεβα και το στήθος βελέντζα του Μητσοτάκη. Όταν κάνετε πολιτική και αντιπολίτευση του κώλου, είτε είστε δεξιοί, είτε αριστεροί, αυτά να τα περιμένετε αγαπητοί.

Θα σοβαρευτείτε ποτέ και να αρχίσετε για μια φορά, αντί να γκρινιάζετε και να εστιάζετε την προσοχή σας σε ότι σας πλασάρουν να κανάλια, τα τρολ στα σόσιαλ μίντια, οι κομματικές φοιτητικές οργανώσεις, σε κάτι θετικό που κάνει η κάθε κυβέρνηση για μια φορά. Παραδείγματος χάρη, μπορει ο κάθε προοδευτικός να συμφωνήσει πως το Σύμφωνο Συμβίωσης που κατάφερε ο Σύριζα να περάσει στην χώρα μας, είναι ένα βήμα προς την σωστή κατεύθυνση για την χώρα? Όλη η Δυτική Ευρώπη έχει παρόμοια νομοθεσία, και η Ελλάδα ως κράτος μέλος της ΕΕ, όφειλε να ακολουθήσει. Η Νέα Δημοκρατία ως τώρα δεν κατάφερε κάτι παρόμοιο, παρ'όλο που είναι καθεστωτική και φιλο-Ευρωπαϊκή. Οπότε μπορείτε να καταπιείτε πως ο Σύριζα πέτυχε έστω σε ένα πράγμα, ή η αφοσίωση σας στην παράταξη σας σας εμποδίζει?

Παρομοίως οι αριστεροί, μπορείτε να χάψετε πως ο Δένδιας είναι καλός υπουργός εξωτερικών, και η κινήσεις του στο να συνάψει στενές σχέσεις με χώρες της Μέσης Ανατολής και την Ινδία, ώς απάντηση των Τουρκικών προκλήσεων και την αδιαφορία ή αδράνεια της Δύσης, είναι κάτι πολύ θετικό για την χώρα μας και την εδραίωση των συμφερόντων της στην Ανατολική Μεσόγειο? Ή μήπως προτιμάτε να επικεντρώνεστε στο ξύλο που τρώνε οι μπαχαλακηδες απο τα ΜΑΤ και μόνο, ως την αντιπολίτευση σας κατά της αντίπαλης παράταξης από την δική σας?

Έχουμε μείνει στον εμφύλιο πόλεμο, και ο διχασμός και η πόλωση της ελληνικής κοινωνίας, είναι ένα μεγάλο εμπόδιο στο να προχωρήσει μπροστά και σωστά η χώρα. Δεν ψηφίζουμε ρε γαμώτο σύμφωνα με αυτά που πίστευε ή ψήφιζε ο παππούς μας, άλλες εποχές και οι ανάγκες των καιρών του, και άλλες οι δικές μας. Στην κυριολεξία επικρατεί μίσος ταξικό, φανατισμός, μπαχαλάκηδες και παραπληροφόρηση, δημαγωγία και λαϊκισμός στην ελληνική κοινωνία. Σίγουρα καποιοι τα υποκινούν και επωφελούνται. Εμείς γιατί τους αφήνουμε? Καταλαβαίνω πως το ξέσπασμα και η βία ίσως να είναι τρόπος εκτόνωσης των μέτρων κατά του κορωνοϊού, και φυσικά μετά απο 10 χρόνια λιτότητας και κακής διαχείρησης τα νεύρα του κοσμάκη που βλέπει τις επιχειρήσεις και το βιός του να χάνεται, να έχουν τσιτώσει.

Η βία και ο τυφλός δικομματισμός δεν δικαιολογείται όμως, και στην τελική αν επιθυμείτε να το παίξετε αντικαθεστωτικοί, στις επόμενες εκλογές ψηφίστε μικρά, καινούρια προοδευτικά κόμματα, ώς απάντηση σε αυτά του "καθεστώτος". Το να καταστρέφετε δημόσια περιουσία που εσείς πληρώνετε στην τελική ,να οργανώνετε πορείες για τρομοκράτες-εχθρούς του κράτους, ή να ρίχνετε την ψήφο σας αντιδραστικά στην αντίθετη καθεστωτική παράταξη, δεν σας εξυπηρετεί, παρά μόνο αυτούς που επωφελούντα από το μπάχαλο και την διχόνια. Στην τελική αν δεν σας εμπνέουν τα υπάρχοντα κόμματα, δημιουργείστε καινούρια, δικά σας. Σας αγαπώ.

Monday, February 8, 2021

Can Navalny reform Russia to what Europe wants?

The past few weeks, we have seen more tensions rising and pressure mounting from Europe towards Russia, following the arrest of the West's revered "Putin Critic," Alexei Navalny. European governments together with EU officials and politicians rushed to condemn the move, while mass protests errupted across the Russian Federation, in support for the country's opposition leader.

Obviously, it was a major mistake and a bad move from the Russian authorities, to arrest a politician and anyone who speaks out against corruption, or is a political figure in the country. It undermines the legitimacy of the government, exposes its weakness and fear, desperation or simply annoyance of the ruling elites towards the actions of an elected representative of the country's voters. That of course in a Western styled democracy, but we often forget that the Russian Federation is not one of them.

The country is not entirely European but Eurasian, and its democratization and Westernization is very recent and fragile, just as many of EU's former Soviet states like Poland or Hungary. If these two countries are having trouble keeping up with the rest of Europe whilst in the EU, what chances does Russia have, in becoming a succesful, fully fledged Western democracy? Especially when to do so, they will have to abide with Western conditions and values, which may or may not be compatible with theirs. Besides, even our democracies are not without major flaws and are we sure that the Russians really want or should become like the rest of us.

Many of the country's Western critics, refer to it as an "authoritarian cleptocracy," and partially they are right. However, they fail to confess Europe's role in the unjustice committed upon the ordinary Russian citizens. If the country is run by a bunch of corrupt oligarchs, who according to Western analysts, steal the wealth from the country as they obstruct democracy, then why this stolen wealth is ending up in European banks and the assets of those oligarchs which are escaping the country, are ending up in Western institutions as they fund Western political parties and leaders. Surely if Europe and America really wanted to help the ordinary Russian people, they would refuse to do business with the country's oligarchs or accept funds from them.

For instance, the Danske Bank scandal was hushed and given so little attention by Western media, because it involved large amount of funds from the family of the Russian President Vladimir Putin (his cousin Igor Putin) and the Russian security service (FSB). The initial claims by a whistleblower, were not properly looked into and hence did not catch enough attention, by the Danish bank's branch in Tallinn. The result, was the greatest money laundering scandal in Europe and potentially the world, yet it was hastily burried ad forgotten.

In addition, we really must examine the background of the Western "hero" Alexei Navalny. In reality, the title of main opposition party in Russia, undoubtedly goes to the social-liberal Yabloko. Anti-government protesters have often rallied around this party, so it is not unusual to see the Yabloko’s flag during protests. It was the only non-system party which managed to secure multiple seats in Moscow’s 2019 local election, despite the standard electoral fraud that often occurs in the country's elections.

Navalny himself was, in the early days, involved with Yabloko. However, he was expelled in 2007 for his far-right views. That same year, he co-founded a new political movement called "The People's Party", which allied itself with two other ethnic nationalist groups called Movement Against Illegal Immigration and Great Russia. All these groups were characterised not only by their zealous nationalism but also by a generalised unsatisfaction with Putin’s leadership, which was considered “too weak”.

Besides, Navalny expressed his support for Russian presence in Ukraine, notably stating that “Russia should strive for the integration of Belarus and Ukraine” and claiming that they are a part of Russia and form only one country together. While he criticised Russia’s policy in Ukraine – because it was led by Vladimir Putin’s government – he has been remarkably silent about his criticism on the annexation of Crimea in itself. When asked about possibly returning it to Ukraine if he was ever to lead Russia, he confirmed that his government would not start such a procedure.

When it comes to the Caucasus, his stance towards the region is even more questionable. He supported Russia in its war against Georgia in 2008, going as far as calling for all Georgians to be expelled from Russia. If we take all the above into account, it is evident that the West's support for him is simply down to "my enemy's enemy, is my friend" approach and mentality. In an effort to oust Putin, America and its European allies are becoming desperate and they stand behind anyone who is only seemingly filling the role of someone who can promote their interests, no matter of his background and intentions. Even if this person is surely a populist himself. But Europe must be careful, otherwise instead of democratizing Russia, it would well destabilize it and that could be a far more dangerous situation.

Imagine if Europe has right next to its border a large, unstable country, in what worse reality could its eastern regions end up. And all this, to serve American interests, or secure German ones. Is it any coincidence, that Navalny got poisoned towards the end of Trump's term and decided to return to Russia almost at the same time as Biden's inauguration, kickstarting massive protests and civil unrest in the country. Is it also a correlation that the Nord Stream 2 debate and squabble between US and Europe-notably Germany, has been heating up in recent months. In mid-2020, the US threatened a second round of sanctions. They were meant as a “clear warning” to companies that aiding the project would not be tolerated by Washington. “Get out now, or risk the consequences,” Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said. One investor, German energy company Uniper, subsequently said that the US threat increased the likelihood of “a delay or even non-completion of the pipeline.

Navalny's poisoning, sounded slightly peculiar and suspicious from the beginning. Apparently he was poisoned with the novichok nerve agent and he blamed the Russian President Vladimir Putin for it. He is not the only one of course, as many other prominent Russians, especially those critical of the Kremlin, have suffered poisoning attacks in the last two decades. The point is why would Vladimir Putin himself, so obviously try to eliminate his critics with the very same substance over and over again, something that will clearly incriminate him. Could it be that poisoning is used by many of Russia's oligarchs and political elites, and we are in fact witnessing an internal struggle for dominance, which extends and includes external powers and players.

Especially when Navalny's actions, were not always aiming Putin directly, but everyone in his government and not only. Many of Russia's oligarchs and ruling elites were also targeted by both Navalny and even Putin's government itself. The former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, launched an anti-corruption council and plan to tackle the "rampant" problem, which has become "commonplace and characterises the life of the Russian society," according to him. The irony is, that it was Navalny that exposed many corruption allegations against Medvedev, and potentially resulted to the resignation from his position. However the West insists on blaming solely Putin, for all the poisoning that many Russian opposition figures are suffering. And if Navalny's life is in danger, why return to Russia knowing that he will be jailed, or worse now that he is caught, yet conveniently the American leadership has changed. Could it be that there is a desperate effort for destabilization and derailing further European and Russian dialogue and approach, or simply joined economic ventures?

The real reason has obviously nothing to do with helping the Russian people getting rid of a corrupt oligarch or assisting the democratization of the country. The West-notably America has interests in Eastern Europe which they want to promote, even to the expence of ordinary Russian, European and American citizens. Putin and his government or "regime" as they often portray it, although doubtlessly rife with elitism, corruption, nepotism and lack of transparency, is standing in the way. They are asserting the interests of their country or indeed their very own-dressed as national ones, and are strengthening Russia's position in the region and the globe. Western countries do not wish to see this happening; a strong assertive Russia is undesired and feared, rather they prefer a weakened country, cooperative or even submissive to Western interests. Thus they do anything to "cut the head of the snake." In other words, to bring Putin and his government down.

Something that they shamelessly do not agree to do for the equally problematic Turkey and Erdogan, as it would hurt Germany's interests in this case. Additionally, Europe should be very careful when it joins any US led campaigns for the democratization of selected countries. In the past, it wholeheartedly threw its support behind the US efforts to promote democracy in Myanmar, only for later the country's most revered by the West leader, Aung San Suu Kyi to go from a democracy champion and Nobel Prize winner, to a shamed head of a regime that has excused a genocide, jailed journalists and locked up critics.

In Venezuela too, we witnessed another Western failure. After trying to meddle with the country's internal affairs and establish a democratic government, Europe backed the US and stood behind Maduro's opponent Juan Guaido. The European Parliament, initially recognized the latter as the legitimate Venezuelan self-declared interim president and as de facto head of state only two years ago. But by January 2021, EU States no Longer recognized Guaido as Venezuela's Interim President. The move comes as no suprise, as Guaido himself rocked by explosive corruption claims within his ranks for the past two years.

This should ring bells to all of us in Europe, as to the real reasons for keen "democratization" efforts to all of the America's adversaries or regions of interests. Especially when the West itself has an appalling record of dealing with its own whistleblowers- if that is how we chose to see Navalny. Julian Assange, Edward Snowden and Chelsea Manning, revealed many faults in the American democratic system, and we are all aware of how they were treated. Which means that if anyone uncovers government corruption and secrets is consequently charged, trialed and forced to seek asylum in.... Russia!

One thing that the Russians in fact must learn from the West and Europe, is how to deal with dissidents and "populists" as the European establishment often labels those who seek to expose its systemic flaws. In the West we do not jail or poison them, we just ignore, slander and silence them by simply discrediting them as demagogues. Many of the parties that are anti-systemic in Europe, even if partially or substantially focus on real problems that the ordinary Europeans are faced with, are just being ridiculed and categorized in the same groups as radical and extremist right or left-wing parties. If that fails, then it is very hard for them to get funds from the establishment, thus they fail to gain popularity so they utlimately dismantle. However it is certain that similar parties favoured by the West in competing countries, will always find funds to continue their struggle.

I am not convinced that Europe is adopting the best approach when comes to Russia. Although ideally, I would love to see the country closer to the rest of Europe and with a similar, political system. We use democracy and the failings of others in it in order to intervene and manipulate their internal affairs, however we often overlook our own shortcomings. The struggle between the two blocks is purely economic and political, with a facade of righteousness from both sides. If Europe truly wants a democratic Russia, then why doesn't it throw itself wholeheartedly behind the Yabloko party, rather a populist and opportunist like Navalny. Why it does not mind accepting Russian dirty money in its banks, yet it cries of "Russian meddling" in Western democracies. Why Europe is succumbing to US demands and pressure, to scrap a closer EU-Russian energy cooperation or sabotage any dialogue to conciliate tentions between the two. Clearly the Americans are not that interested in promoting a "greener EU", by weaning the block's reliance to Russian fossil fuel, since they are the only country denouncing and leaving the Paris Agreement.

I would rather support dialogue, even if this means a prolonged and coordinated effort to soothe out any differences between Europe and Russia, that either they like it or not, they are bound to each other by history, borders, politics, trade, often conflicting ideologies, culture and warfare. However these discussions should not be influenced or derailed by any external party, whether this be USA or China. Right now Europe is seeking to expand its influence eastwards, entering former Russian dominated territories. To gain leverage, it relies on American support but ultimatelly, it only complicates things as the US adds its own interets in the equation. At some stage Europe must understand that it cannot perpetually expand eastwards, it just lost a key member in the west-the UK and it failed to integrate 3 others: Norway, Iceland and Switzerland.

Russia on the other hand must accept the changes that occured since the '90s, resulting to the fact that many of its former republics, now wish to align themselves with Europe. That need not be a disaster for the Russians, if they are not cut off entirely from the market of both their former territories and that of Europe. Something that the Americans and their Atlanticist European allies want, and is the cause of such dangerous powergames. Nations located between Europe and Russia should be able to decide their own future, but that must not be an "either you are with us or against us" arrangement. In fact they could act as a bridge which brings the two major European players (EU and Russia) closer, however that is viewed as unacceptable development still, in many powerful circles on both sides of the Atlantic.

And as result, Europe and Russia continue to drift apart, and no Navalny could ever bridge the gap or transform Russia to something that Europe could ever work with.

Wednesday, February 3, 2021

People's protests and government fiascos in Covid struck Europe.

As the winter season progresses, it is evident that there will be no easy way out of the Covid-19 crisis, or the government imposed lockdowns. Any hope people had with the arrival of the vaccines, are slowly being dashed by officials. Most of us had envisaged that after a year of sacrifices, our efforts would pay off and we could enjoy better times past the upcoming summer of 2021.

However, this will not be the case. With many new virus variants, delays in the vaccine administration, increasing numbers in new cases and deaths across Europe, never mind the financial and political interests involved in the process, we could well be in this crisis for the duration of the current year.

Yet people across the continent are getting tired. During the past few days only, numerous anti-lockdown protests took place all over Europe. In France, Denmark, Spain and the UK, Austria, Belgium, the Netherlands and Slovenia, but also Hungary and Poland too, large numbers of people take to the streets, against Covid restrictions. And it is understandable.

The mainstream media and our national governments, as well as the EU institutions have a great share of blame for the situation. First of all, they have been unnecessarily bombarding the public, with constant and often contradicting information or data about the virus, in an effort to gain more exposure, readership and airtime. This inevitably became-deliberately or not, nothing more of a scare tactic, in effort to convince citizens to abide by the new policies. Secondly, many government officials, members of the royal families or ministers from various states, have themselves been caught breaking the rules. Instead of course trying to lead by their example.

European governments have often adopted peculiar legislations, in their efforts to tackle the pandemic. For example allowing one industry to remain open, while another ordered to shut, to safeguard public health. This created animosity among tradesmen and their employees. Many lost their jobs, others had to close their businesses as they are no longer profitable. Additionally, opening and closing the economy, giving into pressure from retailers or businesses from one hand and health officials from the other, created further confusion and frustration.

Still our governments have proven how ineffective they are, even when they are asked to deal with a virus that kills just over 2% of those infected and of course among people who are actually tested. Imagine what would happen if we had to deal with a far deadlier disease. While they were able to solve the banking and eurozone crisis in months, by using public money to bailout the banks instead of let's say strengthening our healthcare system, they now have granted all control to medical experts and advisers.

It is evident now where their priorities should be placed. For years we were encouraged to not expect free public health services, but to seek and settle with paying for private ones. Where are the private health insurance policy companies that many of us bought into, to save us and help Europe-one of the most affluent regions of the world, cope with this pandemic? We need hospitals and more healthcare workers, better paid and equipped. But obviously now this comes a little too late. We allowed public healthcare to become inefficient, in order for private companies to get richer with our money. Which is naturally of little use to anyone during this pandemic. To my knowledge, those with a private health insurance policy, do not get a ICU bed faster.

Then we had the vaccine fiasco, the first available coming from Russia. The Western countries went into a propaganda frenzy, doing anything they could to discredit the Russian scientific community, just because they do not like their country's leadership. Thus, we wasted months until we managed to produce a very similar one in Europe and the US. But of course, even then we could not agree to just get on with it. Germany and the US got into a dispute under former President Trump, who allegedly attempted to entice a German lab to develop a vaccine exclusively for the US, according to a German newspaper. Further delays were ensued.

Coincidentally, it was after Trump's defeat that the US multinational pharmaceutical company Pfizer, decided to release the vaccine it created. Does this justify Trump's Twitter rants who alleged that the Covid vaccine was delayed to defeat him in elections? Even if it is exaggerated, or one of his desperate attempts to remain in power, it was indeed after the US elections when not only Pfizer, but many other Western pharmaceutical companies that announced they came into agreement with the EU or national governments, to begin the distribution of their vaccine, during the first few weeks of 2021.

But even after all this, we witnessed yet another fiasco,with the AstraZeneca scandal and controversy. Its vaccine was approved for use in the EU on 29 January. The block signed a deal for 300 million doses in August, while the UK ordered 100 million doses and signed its deal in May. But supply problems have been announced by AstraZeneca, which blamed manufacturing problems on one plant in Belgium and another in the Netherlands. Reports suggested deliveries to the EU would be reduced to 31 million - a cut of 60% - in the first quarter of 2021.

This prompted criticism from the EU which claimed that it should not receive fewer doses just because the UK signed a contract earlier. It additionally accused Britain for "vaccine nationalism". AstraZeneca said the fact that EU contracts were signed later left less time to resolve problems in the EU supply chain. However the move backfired on the EU, as itself then faced criticism after its plans to prevent Northern Ireland from being used as a back door to funnel Covid-19 vaccines into the UK.

The controversy began when the European Commission looked set to override the Northern Ireland protocol, part of the Brexit withdrawal deal which allows for free movement of goods from the EU into Northern Ireland, preventing a hard border. The block had signalled its intention to trigger Article 16 of the protocol, to temporarily place export controls on the movement of vaccines amid an ongoing row with AstraZeneca. But this prompted a united front of condemnation both from the Irish and British governments, which in fairness worked tirelessly to avoid a hard border between the Republic and the North, during the Brexit negotiations. The fallout gave also N. Ireland's DUP leader Ms Foster, the chance to urge the UK prime minister to tear up and replace the protocol, which is designed to allow the free movement of goods from the EU into Northern Ireland and prevent a hard border.

After all this, Hungary became the first EU nation to finally approve the Russian Sputnik V vaccine, as the country's prime minister has said the only way the country can satisfy the demand for vaccination, given the "frustratingly" slow delivery of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, is by buying from Russia and China. Way to go Europe and USA, while for months you sought to outdo your competitors, either national, political, regional, or commercial, the rest of the world just gets on with the vaccinations as best they can.

Today, 5 months after the Russian vaccine has been available and in circulation, Europe is finally concidering it as a solution. It only took EU member states and the block in general, all this time to swallow the reality and come around, that in this pandemic there is no room for nationalism, politics and financial interests. While the rest of us are being told to stay at home, fined if we break the rules, mocked as tin foiled hatters if we disapprove and object to the lockdowns, see our businesses fail and our salaries reduced, our leaders think fit to play their power games, or give in to the financial interests of big pharmaceutical companies.

The solution is simple. Do whatever you can to secure as many vaccine doses from Western or Russian and other companies, and distribute them as soon as possible-preferably by mid-Spring, to the high risk groups and front line workers. Then allow the population to return to some sort of normality until September, when according to the EU itself, the block is aiming to have 70% of the block's population vaccinated and end this pandemic. We are not dealing with the most deadly virus we have ever encountered as a species, and if this is a test of what is to come with climate change at some stage in the future, we are most certainly in big trouble. If humanity fails to cooperate, but insists on placing petty disputes before our collective wellbeing, then the next pandemic will deffinitelly be far worse than this one.