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Sunday, June 30, 2013

Spying is not an acceptable practice between "partners!"

Yesterday the German magazine "Der Spiegel," featured an article that claimed that the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA), bugged offices and spied on EU internal computer networks in Washington and at the United Nations, not only listening to conversations and phone calls but also gaining access to documents and emails.

Der Spiegel cited from a September 2010 "top secret" document of the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) which it said fugitive former NSA contractor Edward Snowden had taken with him and which the weekly's journalists had seen in part. 

 The document explicitly called the EU a "target". (Reuters).

If that is true, I think Europe should proceed to a total reevaluation of its relationship with its closest "partner." Such behavior is anywhere near acceptable between long standing allies, like the US and Europe have been; or so we thought. These are practices that the US was practicing during the Cold War on its enemies like the USSR. 

If they use such practices on EU offices, imagine what they do to the missions of smaller nations. They behave like the big brother of this world and it has to stop. These are not signs of an alliance and equal partnership, rather a surveillance and dominance. 

I guess they will always carry the complex of superiority and rightful leader of the Western nations, but do we have to put up with it? The "West" is a far broader political and cultural entity, to be highjacked, monopolized and dominated solely by America.

Recently the EU and US are trying to proceed to a free trade agreement, that will boost the cooperation and boost both partners' economies. Militarily Europe is also a close ally of the US, with almost every EU member belonging to the NATO as well. 

All new EU states plus the candidate ones, have rushed to join the alliance in order to receive help with their military upgrading and "protection" from the USA. So why do we need to be subjected to US surveillance? I believe that our leaders must demand an explanation about this, as soon as possible.

It is time to seek new important and key alliances with other countries or blocks of this world. In a ever growing multi-polar world, we need to be free in our formation of foreign policy and promotion of our interests in the globe. An attachment to the hip with the USA plus a surveillance program by them, not only does not allow us to achieve such goal, but it shows that there is no trust among the two sides.  

And how can there be an alliance or partnership without trust? Perhaps we should distance ourselves from America and form our own foreign policy and influence in the world. The close partnership will still be in place, but only as an equal one with respect for one another.

So far we have been following and supporting America in all its positions or actions in the world, but that is leaving us with a lack of independent European oriented foreign policy. 

How can Europe ever become a big influential global player, if we are America's sidekick and being told what to do, follow or who to engage with? Plus we are being spied upon to make sure that we comply or we are not hiding anything from the Big Brother. Why do we need to reach such a low spot?

How will other regions of the world perceive us and they treat us with respect, if we allow America to treat us like that? Politically, militarily or economically if Europe unites it can make it on its own without the help, protection or surveillance by anyone. If we combine our resources, armies and start speaking with one voice in the world, we will have to fear nothing. 

We are already the biggest and richest market in the world, but we could become something more than that if we put our minds and effort into it. I do not wish for Europe to become the next "super-power," in the sense that the USA is right now, although we could well be. 

But at least we should be able to safeguard our own interests without the interference by anyone and form alliances and partnerships on an equal level, rather being always the underdog. And the only way to do that is if we truly unite and start working together as a team, putting aside our differences. 

Instead of that our leaders prefer to individually visit the US, seeking to boost their self importance. They promote their countries' elites interests and agree on deals with America, that often are becoming an obstacle for European unification. 

Divided as we are, we are being ruled we have to understand that. There can be no time for pitiful little political or economic favors of one European state against another in the future. Our economies are so intertwined that if one fails, it affects all others anyway as we have witnessed from the current crisis.

The world is changing and we must change with it. We are half way there, so what are we waiting for? 

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