Monday, February 7, 2011

The Greek culture of the Druids..A second home coming for me!

"In the next article we read that there may have been Greek Migration to Ireland since the ancient times, and not just from any region of Greece, but specifically from Macedonia that I also come from. 

And not just migrated, but also heavily influenced as we will discuss further down. It makes me proud!"

The term Druids (Druids), indicate the fair priestly class in ancient Celtic societies, which lived in Western Europe, North and beyond the Alps and later the British Isles.

The customs of the Druids were part of the culture of all racial groups called 'Celts' and 'Galatai' by Greeks and 'Celtae' and 'Galli' by the Romans, names which have evolved into today 'Celtic' and 'Gaulish'. The Druids took their name from the Oak (Oak) and were priests and philosophers and legislated and bestowed justice.

The oak was also the "sacred" tree of the Greek royal houses of Macedonia, which is historically proven and archaeological findings to the number found in the royal Macedonian tomb with its famous royal crowns.

There is perhaps no coincidence that the Druids took their name from the oak tree (oak), one tree was sacred to the Greeks from the depths of antiquity. Let us not forget the prophetic oracle in sacred oak of Dodona, the oldest oracle in the world, the sacred tree of Gaia and later Jupiter.

The most important references to the Druids are described in ancient documents, especially  in the Latin language. The most important books, perhaps mainly because of the author's personal prestige and his access to the latest knowledge and his own perception of events, are the writings of Julius Caesar with the title "De Bello Gallico". A series of books that he writes about geography and society of the Gauls or Celts, himself the emperor of Rome. ( Gaius Julius Caesar, 13 Ιουλίου 100 BC - 15 March 44 BC )

Translated from Latin, in some of his writings here we read: "There are throughout Gaul two classes of people of specified importance and honors. In these classes, one is consisted by the Druids, the other  the Knights."

"It is reported that schools of Druids, taught by heart many verses. Some druids stayed for twenty years in education (discipline). And they did not consider it appropriate to write these speeches, although in almost all cases, both public and secret reports they use the Greek language (Greek letters) "

The same book says:  "The main point of ideology is that the soul does not die and after death passes from one body to another" (Transfiguration).

This observation led several ancient writers to the conclusion that the Druids might have influenced by the teachings of Pythagoras. The Caesar also notes that the druidic meaning of the guardian spirit of the race, translates as Dispater (Dispater-> Zeus - father).

The Greek origin of the Druids

In the mythological book Lebor Gabála Érenn [Book of Invasions-Book of Intrusion] we read about the Greek Partholona who came to Ireland after the flood. It is said to have originated from the Middle Macedonia or Greece, with his wife, three sons with their wives and three Druids, all brothers between them, their names  Fios, Aiolos and Fomoris, (FiOS, Eolas, Fochmarc), names that etymologically mean , "Intellect, Knowledge and Research. Holders of this wisdom was the Druids, Greeks adepts as we conclude from the ancient texts.

In the same book we read that the Partholon was a Greek prince who killed his parents hoping to inherit the kingdom. The incident costs him his one eye and a string of bad luck.He was nevertheless master of every major art. He had a total of 7 sons. After 30 years of residence in Ireland, he died near the town that is now called Tallaght, where 120 years after his descendants perished by an outbreak of plague.

DP Perdikaris, Dora Spyridou

De Bello Gallico, Julius Caesar
These are the Greek, Theodore Petropoulos
Julius Caesar, Wikipedia
Kuno Meyer, 'Partholón mac Sera', Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie, 13 (1919), 141-2;
Anton G. van Hamel, 'Partholón', Revue Celtique, 50 (1933), 217-37;
Henry Morris, 'The Partholon Legend', Journal of the Royal Society of Antiquaries, 67 (1937), 57-71.
Christiane L. Joost-Gaugier, 'Measuring Heaven - Pythagoras and His Influence on Thought and Art in Antiquity and the Middle Ages', (2006), 112-113

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