Ever since Donald Trump got elected in 2016 as the 45th President of the USA, there have been allegations about his connections with Moscow, plus the potential "meddling" of Russia in the US Presidential elections.
The same rumors circulated after the British EU membership referendum's outcome, which resulted in Brexit.
And of course, in every gain and advance of anti-establishment or populist parties throughout Europe, Russia and its President Vladimir Putin were accused of their financing or general interfering.
To make matters worse, Trump agreed to meet with Putin in Helsinki at a summit last week, causing a further outcry from his opponents back in America and throughout Europe. The two leaders are increasingly being seen as enemies of the West, liberalism, free trade, the EU or NATO and the current status quo or balance of power in the world.
Consequently, a summit between these two men sent shock-waves across both side of the Atlantic, especially after the announcement of a second meeting in the US. Many spoke of treason by President Trump, while others expressed anti-Russian sentiments, often portraying President Putin as the arch-enemy of Europe and the West, seeking to destroy it from within.
But let's put things into a perspective one minute. Since when has Europe become so defeatist? If Vladimir Putin has indeed such power to infiltrate and influence America itself from the inside, then we are acknowledging him to be the true "planetarch," the leader of this world.
We are also accepting America's and Europe's decline and submission to Russia, since all of the current problems we are facing can be attributed to its "meddling" and financing. If Russian "trolls" have so much power, that can infiltrate our societies and alter totally our perceptions, election results or influencing our ruling elites, then the West has lost the battle already, right?
But are we sure that our governments haven't already got their own "trolls" or agents to do the same to Russia or other regions of the world, or counterpart Russian propaganda and cyber warfare? As if the West hasn't influenced or meddled itself in the collapse of the USSR or Yugoslavia, the war in Libya, Iraq, now Syria and so on. We are not totally unprepared or unfamiliar with such threats, or style of hostilities.
The reality is that we are caught in an ongoing conflict. One that is about spheres of influence and of course the relevant resources. However the world is changing as it should have already, but many are resisting the new reality and they are trying to find excuses or the cause, in lieu of grasping the opportunity to prepare for a different future.
Instead of looking at the reasons why the voters are turning to people like Trump or any populist politician or party, our leaders are trying to scapegoat Russia and Vladimir Putin for everything. In order of course, to discredit these outsiders in our politics and perhaps turn the devotion of the voters, back towards the establishment parties.
Yet they have to understand that they are giving too much attention and power to the so called "enemies" of ours. If Vladimir Putin is indeed the worse threat that Europe is facing nowadays, then we are certainly giving him all that he wants, together with all the attention and credit, as the man who can defeat the West and destroy our continent.
Putin's Russia might indeed have certain interests in the weakening or altering of the EU and the Western world in its current form, but if it has gained the power to be the sole perpetrator then we should admit defeat and declare it the world's new superpower.
Maybe our ruling elites do not like the shift of power in our countries, which is after-all the result of decades of mistakes, negligence and corruption by their part and so now they seek to turn the tide again in their favor, by scapegoating the Russians; as they have done so many times before during the Cold War.
Perhaps if we want to find a more serious threat, we should start looking within our union and of course, to the other side of the Atlantic. Trump's recent stance towards Europe, shows clearly a shift in America's interests towards our continent and this cannot be blamed on Russia.
Donald Trump might be very bad news for the environment, our liberal societies, immigration, world trade and globalization in its current form. But he grabbed the opportunity to rule, because of the mistakes that America's former governments have committed. He sticks to his electoral promises and pushes for a new world order, one that serves the interests of those who he represents. And no, these are not necessarily the ordinary Americans.
Now many in the US and Europe might not agree and fear the changes that are about to come, as they will either personally lose out, or they truly wish to maintain the current world status. Thus they are counter attacking with linking Trump to treason, espionage, Putin, or the Russian "trolls" and oligarchs. But Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin won't be always leaders of their nations, yet the damage that this stance will do to our continent will last longer than their service as presidents.
Those who promote this Russo-phobia, are contributing to the enfeebling image of Europe and America, while portraying it as one region of turmoil, crisis, weakness and lesser importance to the world. The beast fights harder when it knows is about to die, so maybe the West's obsessive hysteria with scapegoating and fighting foreign enemies, shows a deep insecurity, decline and weakness.
Instead, Europe should continue reaching out to the rest of the world, seeking bettering relations with other blocks and emerging nations and yes, even Russia. The best answer to those who want to undermine the EU-either from outside or within-would be to continuously work together as a group of nations, leading by example and engaging with all countries, friendly or not so.
Besides, Trump and Putin's plans for Europe could in fact turn out to be to our benefit. If they continue to pressure on, our continent might just be forced to come out of America's shadow even more united out of necessity, becoming itself a political power, not just a trade and financial one. We only have to start believing it ourselves.
Everybody is welcome, this blog is highly political, it represents my views, wishes and dreams. It will contain topics about culture, politics, E.U. issues, social comments and everything else that I find the need to share and pass on, from the country I come from originally (Greece) to the country I found my home (Ireland),Europe and the world.
Sunday, July 29, 2018
Tuesday, July 24, 2018
Trump is making his intentions clear; the problem is how Europe will respond.
Ever since the US President Donald Trump got elected, Europe has
been baffled on how to deal with his statements, tweets or new policies.
There has been an increasing
disbelief of his actions, followed often by a barrage of condemnation or
statements by politicians from this side of the Atlantic, especially from EU
The Trump administration
started a trade war with Europe alongside China and Canada, two of which are
the USA's oldest and closest partners. He repeatedly accused Europe of not
paying much into the NATO budget, famously attacking the "free
riding" members of the alliance, notably from Eastern Europe.
During his recent visit to
Europe and before his summit with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Helsinki,
he even referred to Europe as a "foe" of America, on trade terms.
Forgetting perhaps that he instigated this trade war, by imposing higher
tariffs on European steel imports.
While he was visiting the
United Kingdom, the British Prime Minister Theresa May claimed that he advised
her to sue the EU over Brexit, plus he intervened with internal British
politics, by showing support for May's opponent, Boris Johnson.
Most likely this was a very
tactical threat to May in order to convince her to follow his instructions, as
he pushed for a hard Brexit. He stated that a "soft" exit of the UK
from the EU, could kill any future trade deals with the US. Clearly this is
what his administration wants in order to continue their "special
relationship" with the UK, but also it makes evident what are Trump's
plans towards the EU, Europe and Britain itself.
In other words, if the UK wants
out, America will only take it under its wing if it opts for a hard Brexit,
thus cutting most ties with Europe. Something that is downright scary and many
in the British society and leadership do not want. Perhaps Donald Trump is
offering a road-map to Theresa May and her European counterparts, on how to
proceed with this disaster and the terms, on which they would offer to Britain
the much needed trade deal.
And while many Europeans or
even Americans remain stunned in disbelief, accusing him of treason or of
damaging the EU-US relations, he is doing exactly what he promised during his
election campaign; he changes the game rules in global, American and
Euro-Atlantic politics.
Are we still sure that Vladimir Putin is the greatest threat to
our continent, or that he is the only one to be blamed for the new reality
dawning on Europe?
Our problem now is not Donald
Trump, but how will the continent adapt to this challenge. He is making his
intentions crystal clear to European leaders and the rest of the world, he is
very bold and he is pushing for a brand new world order.
We could either passively
accept what he plans to do, follow his example and become more protectionists
like the USA, or stick to our interests and carve a new path for our continent,
by creating new alliances, trade deals and a military union for our protection.
In fairness it is not all bad
for Europe, if we play our cards right this could be very beneficial for us. We
should not necessarily be afraid of a closer Trump-Putin cooperation, unless
what they aim for is the division of Europe once again. If only the previous
US-USSR leaders have met more often to talk, it could save us decades of cold
war, hostilities and arms expenditures.
The problem is that we don't
exactly know what they have agreed during their two hour meeting in Helsinki,
about Ukraine and ultimately about NATO, the EU or Europe and their future
plans for expansion and deeper integration. But even if our worse fears become
reality, we could still resist their plans by showing solidarity and proceeding
with our own agenda of further unification. There is strength in unity and that
could be Europe's biggest advantage.
The eastern member states,
could find the support they need against the "threat" from Russia in
an ever closer union, if only of course both they and their western
counterparts are able to agree on it. But it could prove hard to be weaned off
American money and investments, for exchange of NATO missiles. The old EU
nations have a different type of addiction to US support, yet it appears that
it is all about to change.
President Trump showed his
cards to us openly, he pushed for more contributions in the NATO budget by
European member states, if Europe wants still America's protection. He is
giving us a choice. Either we up our game and take more responsibilities, or it
is time to grow up and proceed with our plans for a Euro-Army, relying at last
on our own resources for our protection and foreign policy adoption.
Naturally there are too many
players that will lose out from his new direction of US policies. Notably the
arms industry of the US and many other European nations, or our continent's
governments that will be forced at last to either contribute more in the NATO
budget, or allow the creation of a European Army.
In either scenario they will have to spend more money on defence
and that does not go down too well. Hence all the current barrage of anti-Trump
articles and hysteria.
We have got to understand that
we are entering a new era of politics and status-quo in the globe. Our alliance
with the US is being altered and although this may feel scary, it shouldn't
necessarily be a disaster. America is looking its own interests first. Perhaps
it is tired of being the policeman of this world and it is time to look after
its own people.
Donald Trump is looking for
better relations with Russia and so should we. His administration is focusing
in new directions for investments and new partners, notably in Asia and Africa
and this is also something that we should be doing. The recent trade agreements
the EU has signed with China and Japan, or Canada some time ago, is a very
encouraging sign that Europe is finally moving towards the right direction.
It may hurt that Europe is no
longer the centre of American foreign policy's attention, but if we ever want
to have a voice and play a bigger role in this world, we need to finally accept
that we got to stand up, safeguard, promote and complete what we have already
established; a common market, an integrated economy, an open society, a single
currency and no borders.
Russia would be a fool to want
to destroy such a rich and diverse market at its doorstep, which is also its
bigger trade partner and importer of oil and gas. The US on the other hand
would not risk destroying the Western alliance of countries that for decades
has led, nurtured, defended and promoted.
It is just time that we got our
act together and start fending for ourselves. And Donald Trump, although in a
tactless, arrogant and incomprehensible manner, he is pushing us towards that
goal. The world is going to be a multi-polar one in the future-hopefully a more
equal one- with many new players and blocks arising from the developing
countries and regions.
Europe can only be relevant if
it decides to unite and seek to promote its interests by itself. The new
American administration under Trump, if it succeeds in its goal, could give our
continent the motivation it was lacking all these years to complete its
Donald Trump maybe all that his
opponents declare, an arrogant, ignorant politician, unfit for the role of the
President of the United States. Or it could be a very bold man with a different
vision, which he has trouble expressing it, communicating it or promoting it in
a more acceptable and politically correct manner.
However, he might become
exactly what Europe needs in order to change and move on to the next phase in
its history and political reality; that of a united Europe.
Tuesday, July 17, 2018
Reinstating border controls for security? Be careful what you wish for.
Many of us residing in the Western part of Europe, take a lot of
things that our country's EU membership is offering us for granted.
Our generation does not
remember border controls, visas, check-points and long queues at the borders.
We are used to jump on a car,
plane, train, bus or caravan and drive through our continent effortlessly and
hassle-free. We can literally visit one country and if we get bored, we can
rent a car or get on a bus and go on a daily city break for a shopping spree
across the border, to another town of a neighbouring country.
We forget that it wasn't always
like this and that not everyone in Europe can enjoy such privilege. While I was
traveling from Ireland to my native Greece this summer, I thought to make a
stop over to Bulgaria and experience all that it has to offer.
After four days traveling
through the country, me and my partner decided to leave the city of Plovdiv and
head to my hometown of Thessaloniki in Greece.
I have totally forgotten that
Bulgaria is still not a Schengen member state, but I was not prepared for what
I was about to experience. We could only get to Greece through the check point
of Promachonas, a small town in the Greek-Bulgarian borders.
Under the scorching heat, one
could see long queues of cars, buses and trucks, all waiting to pass through
the border controls. Drivers of cars had to show their passports at the
check-points, while truck drivers had to pull aside, show their ID, vehicle
registration and licence, while in addition they had to allow a search in their
cargo, just in case they were hiding any illegal immigrants.
The same procedure applied for
passenger and tourist buses. We had to drive aside and pull over, present our
passports or ID to the Greek officers, while the non-EU passengers had to hand
over their documents for inspection and to be stamped. Meanwhile the luggage
compartment had to be opened, to be checked for any illegal migrants.
All this took around 20-30 minutes, something that I was unaware
that it still exists. As I am a frequent traveller within the Schengen Area, I
am used to be reminded when I change countries by the sound of my mobile phone,
welcoming me to the new country. Having to wait in a long queue to enter a
country felt so alien.
One would think how these
countries can experience the full benefits of EU membership, if they cannot
enjoy free movement. In other parts of Europe, roads and railways have been
fixed and modernized, because there is no need to check everyone that crosses
through. Goods take shorter time to be delivered, while people can go shopping
frequently and effortlessly across the border, boosting trade between the
In the Balkans this is yet
unimaginable. The roads and railways still need to be upgraded, but with so
many restrictions this development lags behind. As result, the whole region
loses out in tourism, trade and infrastructure modernization, hindering
economic development, something that this region desperate needs.
And not just Bulgaria or
Romania but Greece too, which has long been held back by keeping the Balkans
outside the EU and countries such Bulgaria and Romania outside of the Schengen.
Their application has been ongoing, and their accession postponed- or rather
blocked, by the fear of other EU member states such as Finland, the Netherlands
and Germany about the impact it could have on immigration.
Although Bulgaria and Romania
have been working hard to meet the criteria, the refugee crisis and the rise of
xenophobia in Europe has stopped them from joining the free movement area. As
an excuse, the EU council members that opposed their accession claimed that
there are corruption concerns and the ability of the Bulgarian or Romanian
authorities to deal with the problem.
While partially their concerns
are justified, they forget that the more a region remains poor, the easier it
is for corruption to settle and prevail. The only way to tackle this issue is
direct investments, rise of the living standards, education, economic stability
and prosperity that will lead to the gradual abandonment of old ways and
But for all the above to be
achieved by these two countries, they need the support of the EU and to be
treated as equal members, allowing them to access their full potential by
becoming admitted to all of the block's agreements. We cannot let the internal
social or political struggles and insecurities of other member states on
immigration, to hold back the member states that need our support the most.
On our way back from Greece to
Ireland, we flew through an EU member in another type of transitional crisis.
We had to get two flights that were not interconnected from Thessaloniki to
Dublin, via Manchester in the United Kingdom.
We carried two cabin and one dispatched bag that we had checked in
at Thessaloniki airport. As we got few bottles of wine from Greece and since
our flights were not interconnected, we decided to get out of the arrivals in
Manchester, collect our bag then place the bottles in it, before dispatching it
again with our flight to Dublin, pass again through security and get the plane
We have done this so many times
before in our travels, since I am a Greek/EU citizen and my partner is
Brazilian with a permanent visa for all EU member states, as he works and
resides legally in Ireland and is married to an EU national.
We have never been stopped, not
even in Istanbul airport when we had to stay overnight in a hotel, nor during
our trip from Croatia to Bosnia and Herzegovina, a non-EU member. We have
visited the United Kingdom two years ago and there was no problem with his
passport or his visa, he has the right to travel in the country, with no
However, upon our arrival at
Manchester airport, my partner went through the non-EU passport holder
check-points, while I continued through the EU national ones. I collected our bag,
but my partner was very late, and I started getting worried as we had a limited
amount of time to catch our next flight.
The airport's security staff
had decided or got the orders, not to allow any non-EU passengers coming from
Greece traveling through the UK outside the arrivals. The excuse they gave him
was that he had only about an hour until his next flight and so they escorted
him until the gate.
They forced him through a
further two security checks in which they removed three of the bottles in his
cabin bag he had bought from Greece, with a total loss of 25 euro. One would
wonder why he had to go through security checks again, since he didn't leave
the airport and he was checked at Thessaloniki airport. Especially since it was
the security staff's decision to deny him entry.
All this time I was on the
other side, trying to call him and reassure him that I would find him at the
gates. I also tried to reach the passport control desks, in case I could
explain the situation to the officers and allow me to get his bags.
The security staff was so rude and obnoxious towards me, I was
shocked. The first lady repeatedly asked me to leave, while I was trying to
explain to her that I am looking for my partner that was held back and that I
wanted to clarify what happened to him.
She just said, "no Sir you
have to go". I stepped a few steps back and tried to call my partner to
tell him that I had to go and I would see him on the other side, when a second
even more obnoxious, security staff asked me once again to move on and get out
the area. "Sir, I thought you were told to leave". Even though I was
clearly not making any fuss, I was just on the phone trying to talk to my
partner and explain to him that I cannot reach him at this point, he will have
to do as he was told.
I left and went to check the
bag in, went through security again in which I was myself scanned twice, before
meeting my partner. He described how terrible the whole situation was and how
horrible they treated people with no EU passports.
Before him there was a group of
people from the USA, who were also refused entry in the UK, after only losing
their flight back to their country. They were trying to reach the airline's
desk, but the security staff were repeatedly telling them that they have to
turn back. "Go back where", the passengers were asking, "our
flight has departed!" The answer they got was "that is something that
you and your airline will have to solve", before being escorted away like
my partner.
Can anyone imagine the
frustration of these individuals? Being on one flight, losing their next one to
the USA and not be able to get out from the arrivals to find a representative
of their airline and solve the problem. How could they solve it while remaining
in the arrivals area, while most airlines have their customer care desks at the
departure sector?
I have lodged a complaint with
Manchester Airport, in which they advised me that the staff responsible were
not airport employees, rather from the UK Border Agency, a government body. In
other words, the country's recent policy was to deter any non-EU nationals from
entering the UK briefly, unless their destination was their country.
It is all due to the country's
recent stricter border controls policy, in order to manage immigration,
especially from countries like Greece, which has been on the forefront of
Europe's refugee crisis. One can understand that all this unnecessary hysteria,
shows a lack of competence to deal with the issue, a national insecurity about
immigrants or refugees and not only in the UK but the whole of the Western
A country like Britain that was
so progressive in the past, has now turned so xenophobic that cannot allow a
young man which has legally the right to visit the UK as a tourist visa free,
to enter the country for some time while traveling from one EU member state to
What terrifies me the most is
what will happen after Brexit is completed and the country leaves the EU for
good. Will this be a actuality for all travellers, either EU or non-EU that are
unfortunate enough to pass through Britain in transit?
This is the reality of stricter border controls, that many of you
desired and voted for. Either in the UK, or in Austria, Hungary, Italy, Greece,
Poland, France, the Netherlands and so on. This is the face of more
"security," of customs checks, border controls, end of visa free
travel and stricter immigration rules.
I hope you are pleased with
such outcome because if the Europe you want is one of stricter immigration
controls, then this is how it looks like. Hopefully it will not be extended to
all EU nationals later on.
We need to appreciate what we
have and enjoy in our continent and perhaps ponder; is our fear of immigrants
actually so important, that we are willing to lose one of our biggest benefits
as EU citizens? That of the freedom of movement.
Monday, July 9, 2018
Greece - The Ancient Pioneer of Multiculturalism.
The rise of nationalism and xenophobia in Europe has been a reality for
the past years. The economic crisis, coupled with an ongoing migrant and
refugee plight, encouraged many Europeans to show their discontent towards
their leaders’ policies, by voting for far-right/leftist political
Countries like Austria, Italy, Holland, Germany, France and Finland have witnessed sharp gains of nationalist parties, while others like Spain faced regional nationalist organizations and autonomy movements.
Countries like Austria, Italy, Holland, Germany, France and Finland have witnessed sharp gains of nationalist parties, while others like Spain faced regional nationalist organizations and autonomy movements.
The Visegrad group of Central Europe, had been united opposing the equal
redistribution of the refugees and the EU's quota of migrants while in Greece,
the Golden Dawn party is now the fourth most popular one, while it was only a
minor party before the crisis began. Brexit is perhaps the most dramatic
response to the increasing fear of immigrants. One of the oldest members of the
EU has decided to leave, in fear of having to accept more immigration, both
from within and outside Europe.
The overall picture does not look good, when the continent is trying to promote itself as a union or a commonwealth of nations who are working together for the betterment of all its members.
And most disturbing of all is that the rise of nationalism does not only threaten the very union and cohesion of the European Union, but it shows its ugly and brutal reality to the immigrant communities and other minorities in the EU.
Most of these nationalist, anti-EU groups' rhetoric, combined with an utter failure of the continent's governments to counteract it (if anything they promote it to divert the public’s anger towards foreigners), has transformed many European capitals into segregated communities, where tensions often rise.
We need to take a moment and think. Europe has faced numerous migration movements in the past, both from or towards its territory. The Greeks, which nowadays are conveniently reminded by the right-wing elements in their country about their impressive ancient history and the achievements of their nation, were the first to have to deal with a multiracial, multi-ethnic civilized society.
They surely forget the part of the Greek history, when their ancestors themselves have embraced cosmopolitanism and multiculturalism. In fact, the first European race of people to promote multiculturalism were the Greeks.
The overall picture does not look good, when the continent is trying to promote itself as a union or a commonwealth of nations who are working together for the betterment of all its members.
And most disturbing of all is that the rise of nationalism does not only threaten the very union and cohesion of the European Union, but it shows its ugly and brutal reality to the immigrant communities and other minorities in the EU.
Most of these nationalist, anti-EU groups' rhetoric, combined with an utter failure of the continent's governments to counteract it (if anything they promote it to divert the public’s anger towards foreigners), has transformed many European capitals into segregated communities, where tensions often rise.
We need to take a moment and think. Europe has faced numerous migration movements in the past, both from or towards its territory. The Greeks, which nowadays are conveniently reminded by the right-wing elements in their country about their impressive ancient history and the achievements of their nation, were the first to have to deal with a multiracial, multi-ethnic civilized society.
They surely forget the part of the Greek history, when their ancestors themselves have embraced cosmopolitanism and multiculturalism. In fact, the first European race of people to promote multiculturalism were the Greeks.
After the conquests of Alexander the Great to the East and the
establishment of the Greek Kingdoms from the Balkans to India, the mentality of
the ancient Greeks started to dramatically change.
Young Greeks migrated and colonized these new lands, promoting the Greek language and culture throughout the Hellenistic states and being influenced by many different cultures, ethnicities and religions. It was then that a new kind of social philosophy started to emerge among the Greeks, called Stoicism.
Its roots can be traced back to the very Greek capital-Athens, which now is a battleground for nationalism versus more liberal ideas, just like any other European capital. Stoicism is a school of Hellenistic philosophy that was established in Athens by Zeno of Citium.
A distinctive feature of Stoicism is its cosmopolitanism. Stoicism postulates that all people are manifestations of the one universal spirit and should live in brotherly love and readily help one another. A Greek Stoic called Epictetus commented on man's relationship with the world: "Each human being is primarily a citizen of his own commonwealth; but he is also a member of the great city of gods and men, whereof the city political is only a copy."
This sentiment echoes that of Diogenes of Sinope, who said: "I am not an Athenian or a Corinthian, but a citizen of the world." The Stoics believed that external differences such as rank and wealth are of no importance in social relationships. Instead, they advocated the brotherhood of humanity and the natural equality of all human beings.
Even Alexander the Great himself, still a revered figure in Greek history, was trying to create an empire by mixing Greek and Asian elements of culture and of course the people. He married an Asian woman, Roxana and he encouraged all his officers to follow his example.
This is something that the Greek nationalists usually leave out, or conveniently forget when they preach hatred against foreigners, referencing the greatness of the Greek nation. In fact, not only do they not do any justice to it, but they are vilifying the very “greatness” that they preach.
Similarly, other nationalist parties across Europe only refer to a more one-sided story, leaving out inconvenient parts of their history. Recently archaeologists discovered Viking clothing with Islamic inscriptions, something that implies a certain level of cultural and perhaps even ethnic mingling between Nordic people and the Mediterranean.
Young Greeks migrated and colonized these new lands, promoting the Greek language and culture throughout the Hellenistic states and being influenced by many different cultures, ethnicities and religions. It was then that a new kind of social philosophy started to emerge among the Greeks, called Stoicism.
Its roots can be traced back to the very Greek capital-Athens, which now is a battleground for nationalism versus more liberal ideas, just like any other European capital. Stoicism is a school of Hellenistic philosophy that was established in Athens by Zeno of Citium.
A distinctive feature of Stoicism is its cosmopolitanism. Stoicism postulates that all people are manifestations of the one universal spirit and should live in brotherly love and readily help one another. A Greek Stoic called Epictetus commented on man's relationship with the world: "Each human being is primarily a citizen of his own commonwealth; but he is also a member of the great city of gods and men, whereof the city political is only a copy."
This sentiment echoes that of Diogenes of Sinope, who said: "I am not an Athenian or a Corinthian, but a citizen of the world." The Stoics believed that external differences such as rank and wealth are of no importance in social relationships. Instead, they advocated the brotherhood of humanity and the natural equality of all human beings.
Even Alexander the Great himself, still a revered figure in Greek history, was trying to create an empire by mixing Greek and Asian elements of culture and of course the people. He married an Asian woman, Roxana and he encouraged all his officers to follow his example.
This is something that the Greek nationalists usually leave out, or conveniently forget when they preach hatred against foreigners, referencing the greatness of the Greek nation. In fact, not only do they not do any justice to it, but they are vilifying the very “greatness” that they preach.
Similarly, other nationalist parties across Europe only refer to a more one-sided story, leaving out inconvenient parts of their history. Recently archaeologists discovered Viking clothing with Islamic inscriptions, something that implies a certain level of cultural and perhaps even ethnic mingling between Nordic people and the Mediterranean.
If we take into consideration the colonial era of our continent, when
Europeans traded, conquered colonized, enslaved and intermarried with the inhabitants
from all other continents, then how can we now complain about
We started it, we are the ones largely responsible about the formation of the modern world. Our power struggles and cultural, religious and economic expansionism created most modern nations and not just in Europe.
Many countries in North and South America, Australasia, Africa and Asia, have been established after colonialism collapsed and they were the result of European influence. Our ideological struggles, caused two world wars, dividing the globe into two types of economic models, that all the way until the early '90s had significant influence around the planet.
Why are we surprised now that people around the world, still see Europe as a beacon of prosperity and opportunity? We cannot absorb all their numbers, but we could certainly start feeling a bit more comfortable with what we have created and promoted anywhere else; cosmopolitanism.
If Europe claims the heritage of Ancient Greece, it also needs to start admiring and studying its later days. When the Greeks before they succumbed to the Romans, begun themselves to philosophize their role and position among the human kind, giving rise to new ideologies and even religions like Christianity.
In addition, we need to start preparing for a multi-polar and more equal world. The more other regions remain poor, the more they will see migrating into Europe or the US as their only option for prosperity and the migrant flow will never stop.
To deal with it, we will have to leave protectionism behind and start walking at the footsteps of our ancestors, becoming pioneers of trade, globalists and citizens of the world. We were the ones to instigate a world with open borders and free movement, although in the past it was under our dominion.
This time we could go a step further, turning Europe into a continent at the forefront of human cultural, economic, ideological and political evolution, one that will work with others for the betterment of this world, rather remaining insecure behind closed borders.
We started it, we are the ones largely responsible about the formation of the modern world. Our power struggles and cultural, religious and economic expansionism created most modern nations and not just in Europe.
Many countries in North and South America, Australasia, Africa and Asia, have been established after colonialism collapsed and they were the result of European influence. Our ideological struggles, caused two world wars, dividing the globe into two types of economic models, that all the way until the early '90s had significant influence around the planet.
Why are we surprised now that people around the world, still see Europe as a beacon of prosperity and opportunity? We cannot absorb all their numbers, but we could certainly start feeling a bit more comfortable with what we have created and promoted anywhere else; cosmopolitanism.
If Europe claims the heritage of Ancient Greece, it also needs to start admiring and studying its later days. When the Greeks before they succumbed to the Romans, begun themselves to philosophize their role and position among the human kind, giving rise to new ideologies and even religions like Christianity.
In addition, we need to start preparing for a multi-polar and more equal world. The more other regions remain poor, the more they will see migrating into Europe or the US as their only option for prosperity and the migrant flow will never stop.
To deal with it, we will have to leave protectionism behind and start walking at the footsteps of our ancestors, becoming pioneers of trade, globalists and citizens of the world. We were the ones to instigate a world with open borders and free movement, although in the past it was under our dominion.
This time we could go a step further, turning Europe into a continent at the forefront of human cultural, economic, ideological and political evolution, one that will work with others for the betterment of this world, rather remaining insecure behind closed borders.